<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "UPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO\r\nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET\r\n"^^ . "\r\nAnggrek merupakan salah satu komoditas florikultura penting di Indonesia yang\r\nmemiliki peran dalam industri hortikultura sebagai tanaman hias bunga potong.\r\nMenurut data IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural\r\nResources) 2018, spesies anggrek Dendrobium lineale masuk ke dalam redlist\r\nyang berarti spesies ini harus mendapat perhatian khusus agar terjaga dari hampir\r\nterancam punah. Salah satu upaya untuk menjaga agar anggrek spesies tidak\r\nterancam punah yaitu melalui konservasi ex situ melalui kultur in vitro biji hasil\r\nselfing. Penelitian yang terdiri dari tiga percobaan ini dilaksanakan di\r\nLaboratorium Ilmu Tanaman dan Rumah kaca, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas\r\nLampung dari bulan Agustus 2021 sampai dengan Juli 2022. Ketiga percobaan\r\nmenggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan tiga ulangan. Percobaan I\r\nadalah studi pengecambahan biji anggrek Dendrobium lineale Blue, bertujuan\r\nuntuk mempelajari pengaruh jenis media dasar (Growmore (32:10:10) dan\r\nGrowmore (20:20:20), dan pemberian benziladenin/BA (0, 0,1 dan 0,5 mg/l)\r\nterhadap perkecambahan biji dan pertumbuhan protokorm anggrek. Percobaan II\r\nadalah studi pembesaran seedling in vitro, bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh\r\njenis media dasar Growmore (32:10:10) dan Gaviota (21:21:21) dan pemberian\r\nKNO3 (0, 1, dan 2 g/l) terhadap pertumbuhan in vitro seedling anggrek\r\nDendrobium lineale Blue. Percobaan III bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh\r\nmedia aklimatisasi (sabut kelapa atau pakis cacah) dan jenis pupuk daun (Gandasil\r\nD 20:15:15 dan Growmore 32:10:10) terhadap keberhasilan aklimatisasi dan\r\npertumbuhan planlet ex vitro.\r\n\r\nHasil percobaan pengecambahan biji anggrek Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nmenunjukkan bahwa media dasar Growmore (32:10:10) menghasilkan bobot 100 protokorm Dendrobium lineale Blue in vitro yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan\r\ndengan media dasar Growmore (20:20:20). Penambahan BA pada konsentrasi 0,1\r\ndan 0,5 mg/l menekan pertumbuhan protokorm anggrek untuk membentuk\r\nprimordia daun. Media dasar dan konsentrasi BA tidak berinteraksi dalam\r\nmempengaruhi pengecambahan dan pertumbuhan protokorm anggrek\r\nDendrobium lineale Blue in vitro.\r\n\r\nHasil percobaan pembesaran seedling Dendrobium lineale Blue in vitro\r\nmenunjukkan bahwa media dasar Growmore (32:10:10) menghasilkan\r\npertumbuhan seedling lebih baik daripada Gaviota (21:21:21), yang ditunjukkan\r\noleh variabel tinggi seedling, jumlah daun, lebar daun, dan bobot segar seedling.\r\nPenambahan KNO3 2 g/l meningkatkan pertumbuhan seedling anggrek\r\nDendrobium lineale Blue in vitro pada variabel jumlah daun. Media dasar dan\r\nkonsentrasi KNO3 tidak berinteraksi dalam mempengaruhi pertumbuhan seedling\r\nanggrek Dendrobium lineale Blue in vitro.\r\n\r\nHasil percobaan aklimatisasi planlet Dendrobium lineale Blue menunjukkan\r\nbahwa pada umur 6 minggu setelah dikeluarkan dari botol, planlet Dendrobium\r\nlineale Blue menghasilkan keberhasilan aklimatisasi 100%. Media aklimatisasi\r\nsabut kelapa menghasilkan pertumbuhan planlet Dendrobium lineale Blue yang\r\nlebih baik dibandingkan media pakis cacah. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh variabel\r\npanjang akar. Penggunaan pupuk daun Gandasil D (20:15:15) dan Growmore\r\n(32:10:10) tidak berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan planlet yang di aklimatisasi\r\npada semua variabel pengamatan. Media aklimatisasi dan jenis pupuk tidak\r\nberinteraksi dalam mempengaruhi pertumbuhan planlet Dendrobium lineale Blue.\r\n\r\n\r\nKata kunci: Aklimatisasi planlet, BA, Dendrobium lineale Blue, KNO3 teknis,\r\nmedia dasar, pengecambahan biji in vitro, pakis, pupuk, sabut kelapa, seedling.\r\n\r\nOrchid is one of the important floricultural commodities in Indonesia which has\r\nsignificant impact on horticultural industry, either as cut flower or as pot plants.\r\nDendrobium lineale is included in the redlist, according IUCN (International\r\nUnion for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) 2018, which means this\r\nspesies should be carefully cultivated and prevented to become a nearly threatened\r\nspecies. Efforts to conserve this spesies ex situ should be done, and this could be\r\nconducted through in vitro seed culture from pod of self-pollinated flowers. This\r\nexperiment was carried out at Plant Science Laboratory and Greenhouse of\r\nFaculty of Agriculture, the University of Lampung, from August 2021 to July\r\n2022. All of the three experiments used a completely randomized design with\r\nthree replications. This study consisted of three experiments, i.e., (1) in vitro seed\r\ngermination and protocorm growth of Dendrobium lineale Blue; (2) effects of\r\nbasal media and KNO3 on in vitro seedling growth, and (3) Effects of\r\nacclimatization media and two foliar fertilizers on the success of acclimatization\r\nand ex vitro seedling growth. \r\n\r\nResults of experiment 1 showed that the basal medium Growmore (32:10:10)\r\nproduced better seed germination and protocorm growth than Growmore\r\n(20:20:20), which was indicated by higher weight of 100 protocorm of\r\nDendrobium lineale Blue. The addition of 0.1 and 0.5 mg/l benzyladenine (BA)\r\nin the medium suppressed growth of the protocorm to form leaf primordia, so that\r\nalmost all of the protocorms remain globular. There was no significant interaction\r\nbetween basal medium and BA concentrations to influence in vitro seed\r\ngermination and growth of Dendrobium lineale Blue protocorm. Results of experiment 2 showed that growth of Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nseedlings was better on the Growmore (32:10:10) medium compared to Gaviota\r\n(21:21:21) medium, which was indicated by higher seedling height, leaf number,\r\nleaf width, and seedling fresh weight. Addition of KNO3 at 2 g/l increased growth\r\nof Dendrobium lineale Blue seedlings in vitro as showed by more number of\r\nleaves compared to control. There was no significant interaction between basal\r\nmedia and KNO3 concentrations on the in vitro growth of Dendrobium lineale\r\nBlue seedlings.\r\n\r\nResults of experiment 3 showed that after 8 weeks on ex vitro condition, all\r\n(100%) of Dendrobium lineale Blue plantlets were successfully acclimatized and\r\nshowed normal growth as indicated by the formation of new shoots and roots. The\r\nacclimatization medium from coconut fiber resulted in better growth of\r\nDendrobium lineale Blue plantlets than those on chopped ferns media, which was\r\nshown by longer root length. The use of Gandasil D (20:15:15) and Growmore\r\n(32:10:10) foliar fertilizers had no significant effect on the growth of acclimatized\r\nplantlets on all of the observed variables. The two acclimatization media and type\r\nof fertilizers did not interact each other to influence growth of Dendrobium lineale\r\nBlue plantlets.\r\n\r\n\r\nKeywords: Acclimatization, basal media, chopped ferns, coconut fibers,\r\nDendrobium lineale Blue, KNO3, seed germination, NPK fertilizers, seedling. "^^ . "2022-07-26" . . . . . "UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG"^^ . . . "FAKULTAS PERTANIAN, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG"^^ . . . . . . . . . "2024011015"^^ . " SITI MUNAWAROH"^^ . "2024011015 SITI MUNAWAROH"^^ . . . . . . "UPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO\r\nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET\r\n (File PDF)"^^ . . . "ABSTRAK.pdf"^^ . . . "UPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO\r\nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET\r\n (File PDF)"^^ . . . "TESIS TANPA PEMBAHASAN.pdf"^^ . . . "UPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO\r\nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET\r\n (File PDF)"^^ . . . "UPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO\r\nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "UPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO\r\nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "UPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO\r\nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "UPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO\r\nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "UPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO\r\nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "UPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO\r\nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "UPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO\r\nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "UPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO\r\nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "UPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO\r\nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "UPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO\r\nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "UPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO\r\nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "UPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO\r\nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "UPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO\r\nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "UPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO\r\nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "UPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue\r\nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO\r\nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #64739 \n\nUPAYA KONSERVASI EX SITU ANGGREK Dendrobium lineale Blue \nMELALUI KULTUR BIJI, PEMBESARAN SEEDLING IN VITRO \nDAN AKLIMATISASI PLANLET \n\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "630 Pertanian dan teknologi yang berkaitan" . .