%A 1813042018 Niloh Putu Sinta Oktavina %T AN ANALYSIS OF READING MATERIALS ON ENGLISH TEXTBOOKS IN THE SECOND GRADE STUDENTS? OF SMAN 1 GEDONGTATAAN, PESAWARAN %X The purpose of this research was to analyze the quality of English textbooks for the second grade of senior high school, to identify textbook materials with the 2013 curriculum of the English syllabus, and to give recommendations from textbook analysis. This research employed a descriptive analysis. The data were collected from the English textbook ?Stop Bullying Now?. Furthermore, this research used a descriptive quantitative study. The researcher used an interview, questionnaire, and table checklist to collect the data. The questionnaire results for language skills were 83.3%, topic 83%, and language context 57%. The results of interviews with the teachers two as validated the questionnaire, and it can be concluded if the books used by the school meet the 2013 curriculum standards. Keywords: English Reading, English Textbooks, 2013 curriculum. %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2022 %I FKIP %L eprints65900