creators_name: Alvan Muhammad Hibatullah Santoso, 1818011119 type: other datestamp: 2022-09-26 07:22:03 lastmod: 2022-09-26 07:22:03 metadata_visibility: show title: PERBEDAAN KONTAMINASI TELUR SOIL TRANSMITTED HELMINTH PADA TANAH DI DAERAH PEDESAAN DAN PERKOTAAN ispublished: pub subjects: 610 full_text_status: restricted abstract: ABSTRACT DIFFERENCES OF SOIL TRANSMITTED HELMINTH EGG CONTAMINATION ON SOIL IN RURAL AND URBAN REGIONS By Alvan Muhammad Hibatullah Santoso Background: Soil Transmitted Helminth is an infection that causes malnutrition, anemia, growth retardation. Transmission is through contact with eggs or larvae in the soil. Cases of STH infection in Indonesia are high in areas of poor sanitation, poor hygiene and lack of knowledge of clean and healthy lifestyles. Therefore, this study aims to determine the contamination of STH eggs on soil in rural and urban areas. Methods: This research is a cross-sectional study with purposive sampling. The number of samples is 90 soil sample points in rural and urban areas and then the univariate and bivariate analysis tests are carried out using the pearson chi-square Test. Results: The number of STH contamination in rural areas was 29 out of 90 samples with 26 samples of Ascaris lumbricoides, 2 samples of Hookworm, and 1 sample of Trichuris trichiura. STH egg contamination in urban areas was 22 out of 90 samples with details of 17 samples of Ascaris lumbricoides, 3 samples of Hookworm, and 2 samples of Trichuris trichiura. Based on the results of the pearson chi-square Test analysis, a p-value of 0.467 was obtained. Conclusion: There is no difference in contamination of STH eggs on soil in rural and urban areas. Keywords: Contamination, Soil-transmitted Helmints, Rural Soil, Urban Soil ABSTRAK PERBEDAAN KONTAMINASI TELUR SOIL TRANSMITTED HELMINTH PADA TANAH DI DAERAH PEDESAAN DAN PERKOTAAN Oleh Alvan Muhammad Hibatullah Santoso Latar Belakang: Soil Transmitted Helminth ialah infeksi yang menyebabkan kurang gizi, anemia, hambatan tumbuh kembang. Penularannya melalui kontak dengan telur atau larva di tanah. Kasus infeksi STH Di Indonesia tinggi di wilayah sanitasi buruk, higienitas kurang dan kurangnya pemahaman pola hidup bersih dan sehat. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontaminasi telur STH pada tanah di wilayah pedesaan dan perkotaan. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi cross-sectional dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Jumlah sampel adalah 90 titik sampel tanah di pedesaan dan perkotaan lalu dilakukan uji analisis univariat serta bivariat dengan memakai uji pearson chi-square Test. Hasil: Jumlah kontaminasi STH di pedesaan sebanyak 29 dari 90 sampel dengan Ascaris lumbricoides 26 sampel, Hookworm 2 sampel, dan Trichuris trichiura 1 sampel. Kontaminasi telur STH di perkotaan adalah sebanyak 22 dari 90 sampel dengan rincian Ascaris lumbricoides 17 sampel, Hookworm 3 sampel, dan Trichuris trichiura 2 sampel. Berdasarkan hasil uji analisis pearson chi-square Test didapat p-value 0.476. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan kontaminasi telur STH pada tanah di pedesaan dan perkotaan. Kata Kunci: Kontaminasi, Soil-transmitted Helmints, Tanah Pedesaan, Tanah Perkotaan date: 2022-09-09 date_type: published publisher: FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN place_of_pub: UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG id_number: 1818011119 citation: Alvan Muhammad Hibatullah Santoso, 1818011119 (2022) PERBEDAAN KONTAMINASI TELUR SOIL TRANSMITTED HELMINTH PADA TANAH DI DAERAH PEDESAAN DAN PERKOTAAN. FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. document_url: document_url: document_url: