%A 2023044009 RIZKI AZIZA %T THE COMPARISON BETWEEN SHARED READING AND GUIDED READING BASED ON WHOLE LANGUAGE APPROACH ON STUDENTS? READING COMPREHENSION BY THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF SMP IT CENDIKIA TULANG BAWANG %X The study aimed to find out i The subjects of this research were 24 students of SMP IT Cendikia Tulang Bawang with 24 students for experimental class 1 and 20 students for experimental class 2. The research was Pretest Posttest Experimental Design. Reading tests and questionnaires were used to collect the data. The data were analyzed using Independent Sample T-Test through SPSS for the reading tests and Likert Scale for the questionnaires. The results showed that there were statistically significant difference of reading comprehension between the students taught through the Whole Language Approach Shared Reading and those taught through the Whole Language Approach Guided Reading. The students had better perceptions of the Whole Language Approach Guided Reading class than those in the Whole Language Approach Shared Reading class. This suggests that the Whole Language Approach Guided Reading could facilitate students to improve their reading comprehension better than the Whole Language Approach Shared Reading. Keywords: Guided Reading, Perception, Reading Comprehension, Shared Reading, Whole Language Approach %D 2022 %I LAMPUNG UNIVERSITY %L eprints66359