%A 1813042050 Safira Riskia %T THE USE OF COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING APPROACH TO IMPROVE STUDENT SPEAKING SKILL %X ABSTRACT THE USE OF COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING APPROACH TO IMPROVE STUDENT SPEAKING SKILLS BY SAFIRA RISKIA The objectives of this research were to explore whether there was a statistically significant improvement of students? speaking skills after the students were taught using Communicative Language Teaching Approach. This research was conducted at SMAN 3 Kotabumi, involving 35 second-grade students by employing quantitative research with oral tests in the form of pre-test and post-test for the data collection. The results showed that Communicative Language Teaching approach could statistically improve students? speaking ability with a significant level of 0.05, with fluency and vocabulary as the most improved speaking component compared to others; grammar, pronunciation, and comprehension. This finding indicates it is proven that Communicative Language Teaching appraoch can improve the speaking skills among the students in the second grade of Senior High School. Keywords: communicative language teaching, speaking, fluency, improvement. %D 2022 %C UNIVERSITY OF LAMPUNG %R 1813042050 %I FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION %L eprints66360