TY - GEN CY - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG ID - eprints66469 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/66469/ A1 - M. RIZKY ADITYA, 1514131120 Y1 - 2022/08/10/ N2 - ABSTRACT ANALYSIS OF RICE FARMER HOUSEHOLD INCOME AND RICE FARMER LABOR OUTPUT IN METRO CITY By M. RIZKY ADITYA This study aims to determine the income level of rice farmers, and the contribution of income from rice farmers' farming, and to determine the outpouring of labor for rice farmers in Metro City. The research location was conducted in the East Metro District. The location selection was done purposively. Sampling method is done by proportional random sampling (proportional random sampling). The sample in this study found 65 farmers. The income analysis method uses the income formula and R/C Ratio, the analysis of the contribution of income in agriculture to the household income of rice farmers uses the income formula in agriculture, outside agriculture, and non-agriculture, the analysis of labor expenditure uses the HOK formula. The results showed that the income of rice farmers on cash costs in the first planting season was Rp. 11,444,359.93/ha, while in the second planting season it was Rp. 10,511,627.37/ha. Revenues from total costs in the first planting season were Rp.4,613,252.51/ha and in the second planting seasons were Rp.4,046,785.97/ha, the R/C ratio for cash costs was 3.84 in the first planting season and 4, 09 in planting season II. The value of the R/C ratio for the total cost was 1.43 in the first planting season and 1.41 in the second planting season. The value of on-farm income contribution to farmer's household income lies with farmers with a rice-rice-chili cropping pattern with a value of 79%. The largest labor expenditure carried out by farmers was in maintenance activities both in planting season I and planting season II with a value of 77.54 percent and 58.38 percent of the total HOK, respectively. Keywords: Labor Outpouring, Rice, Income. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui tingkat pendapatan petani padi, menganalisis kontribusi pendapatan dari diversifikasi usahatani petani padi, dan mengetahui curahan tenaga kerja petani padi di Kota Metro. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Metro Timur. Pemilihan lokasi dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive). Metode pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode acak proporsional (proportional random sampling). Sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 65 petani. Metode analisis pendapatan menggunakan rumus pendapatan dan R/C Ratio, analisis kontribusi pendapatan on farm terhadap pendapatan rumahtangga petani padi menggunakan rumus penjumlahan pendapatan on farm, off farm, dan non farm, analisis curahan tenaga kerja menggunakan rumus HOK. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa pendapatan petani padi atas biaya tunai pada musim tanam I sebesar Rp11.444.359,93/ha, sedangkan pada musim tanam II sebesar Rp10.511.627,37/ha. Pendapatan atas biaya total pada musim tanam I sebesar Rp4.613.252,51/ha dan pada musim tanam II sebesar Rp4.046.785,97/ha, nilai R/C ratio atas biaya tunai sebesar 3,84 pada musim tanam I dan sebesar 4,09 pada musim tanam II. Nilai R/C ratio atas biaya total sebesar 1,43 pada musim tanam I dan sebesar 1,41 pada musim tanam II. Nilai kontribusi pendapatan on farm terhadap pendapatan rumah tangga petani terbesar terletak pada petani dengan pola tanam padi-padi-cabai dengan nilai 79%. Curahan tenaga kerja terbanyak yang dilakukan oleh petani terdapat pada kegiatan pemeliharaan baik pada musim tanam I maupun musim tanam II dengan nilai sebesar 77,54 persen dan 58,38 persen dari total HOK. Kata kunci : Curahan Tenaga Kerja , Padi, Pendapatan. PB - FAKULTAS PERTANIAN TI - ANALISIS PENDAPATAN RUMAH TANGGA PETANI PADI DAN CURAHAN TENAGA KERJA PETANI PADI DI KOTA METRO AV - restricted ER -