%A 2022011085 TRY MARADONA %T OPTIMALISASI PERAN PENYIDIK TINDAK PIDANA KORUPSI DALAM PENGEMBALIAN KERUGIAN NEGARA (STUDI DI KEPOLISIAN DAERAH LAMPUNG) %X Upaya penegakan hukum yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah, tidak dapat dilepaskan dari peran Polri, termasuk pengembalian kerugian negara akibat tindak pidana korupsi. Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam tesis ini, yaitu bagaimanakah mengoptimalkan peran penyidik perkara tindak pidana korupsi dalam pengembalian kerugian negara? dan mengapa terdapat faktor penghambat dalam mengoptimalkan peran penyidik perkara tindak pidana korupsi dalam pengembalian kerugian negara? Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan normatif empiris, melalui studi pustaka serta wawancara terpimpin (terstruktur) dan terarah (directive interview). Analisis dilakukan dengan teknik reduksi data, sajian data, serta penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi menggunakan kombinasi analisis kualitatif yang menghasilkan data deskriptif analitis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, Penyidik Polda Lampung dan jajarannya telah berperan dalam pengembalian kerugian negara akibat korupsi. Guna mengoptimalkan peran penyidik Polri dalam pengembalian kerugian negara akibat korupsi, diperlukan pengembangan kapasitas dan penambahan personil serta pemberian reward untuk kinerja penyidik yang baik. Adapun kendala Polda Lampung dalam pengembalian kerugian negara diantaranya berasal dari aspek internal meliputi regulasi yang belum komprehensif mengatur tentang perampasan aset hasil tindak pidana, jumlah personil belum ideal, serta penyidikan perkara korupsi belum didukung alat penyadapan. Kemudian kendala eksternal antara lain lamanya waktu penyidikan yang tergantung pada kecepatan Auditor dalam menghitung kerugian negara, perbedaan persepsi antara Penyidik Polri dan Jaksa Penuntut Umum, serta adanya intervensi terhadap penyidik terkait penetapan tersangka, penangkapan dan penahanan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disarankan agar pemerintah perlu menambah jumlah personil penyidik tipikor Polri, menjamin independensi penyidik, penyidik Polri dapat melakukan penyadapan, meningkatkan koordinasi dalam penghitungan kerugian negara, serta menyamakan persepsi antara Penyidik Polri dengan penuntut umum. Pemerintah dan DPR juga hendaknya segera mengesahkan RUU perampasan aset yang berbasis cost and benefit. Kata kunci: optimalisasi, peran, korupsi, polri abstract Law enforcement efforts carried out by the government must be kept from the role of the National Police, including returning state losses due to corruption. The problem discussed in this thesis is how to optimize the function of investigators in corruption cases in recovering state losses? and why there are inhibiting factors in optimizing the role of investigators in corruption cases in returning state losses. This research was conducted using an empirical normative approach through literature studies and guided (structured) and directed interviews (directive interviews). The analysis was carried out using data reduction techniques, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification using a combination of qualitative research which resulted in analytical descriptive data. Based on the research results, Lampung Police Investigators and their staff have played a role in recovering state losses due to corruption. To optimize the function of Polri investigators in recovering state losses due to corruption, it is necessary to develop capacity, increase personnel, and provide rewards for good investigator performance. The Lampung Regional Police's obstacles in returning state losses include internal aspects, including regulations that have not comprehensively regulated the seizure of assets resulting from criminal acts, the number of personnel is not ideal, and wiretapping tools have not supported the investigation of corruption cases. The external constraints include the length of the investigation time, which depends on the speed of the Auditor in calculating state losses, the difference in perception between the National Police Investigator and the Public Prosecutor, as well as the intervention of investigators related to the determination of suspects, arrests and detentions. Based on the study's results, it is suggested that the government needs to increase the number of Polri corruption investigators, ensure the independence of investigators, Polri investigators can conduct wiretapping, improve coordination in calculating state losses, and equate perceptions between Polri investigators and public prosecutors. The government and the House of Representatives should also immediately ratify the bill to seize assets based on cost and benefit. Keywords: optimization, role, corruption, national police %D 2022 %I UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %L eprints67901