@misc{eprints67997, month = {Nopember}, title = {INDIRECT FACTORS RELATIONSHIP WITH STUNTING INCIDENTS THROUGHOUT CHILDREN AGES 6-11 MONTHS IN METRO KIBANG AND BATANGHARI DISTRICT, EAST LAMPUNG REGENCY }, author = {1758011026 Verra Rachma Indahsari}, address = {Pendidikan Dokter}, publisher = {Fakultas Kedokteran}, year = {2022}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/67997/}, abstract = {Background: More than 150 million children under the age of five suffer from stunting, with Asia accounting for 55\% of those cases. Children under the age of five in Indonesia who are stunted in 36.4\% cases are at risk for degenerative disorders due to direct and indirect causes. Methods: This study combined a case-control design with an analytical observational approach. 104 respondents made up the samples, included 52 control groups and 52 case groups. Results: Mothers of stunted children have low levels of education (86\%), low family income per capita (90.4\%), unreachable access to health facilities (60\%), inactivity when visiting posyandu (88.5\%). Normal children, have moms who are well educated (52\%), have high family income per capita (88.5\%), reachable access to health facilities (65\%), and have frequent visits to posyandu (88.5\%) as well. Conclusion: The income per capita of the family is the most risky indirect factor, with an OR of 72,067 and a CI of 20.555?25,673. Mother's Visit to Posyandu has an OR of 58,778 and a CI of 17,686?195,760. The mother's education has an OR of 5.94 with a confidence interval of 2.346-15.043. Access to Puskesmas with an OR of 2,788 and a CI of 1,258?6,179. Keywords: maternal education, income per capita, access to health centers, maternal visits to posyandu, stunting } }