@misc{eprints68069, month = {Desember}, title = {PENGARUH MODIFIKASI KIMIA MENGGUNAKAN SITRAKONAT ANHIDRIDA TERHADAP STABILITAS ENZIM {\ensuremath{\alpha}}-AMILASE DARI Aspergillus fumigatus}, author = {lupiawidya22@gmail.com Lupia Widya Astuti }, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM}, year = {2022}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/68069/}, abstract = {ABSTRAK PENGARUH MODIFIKASI KIMIA MENGGUNAKAN SITRAKONAT ANHIDRIDA TERHADAP STABILITAS ENZIM {\ensuremath{\alpha}}-AMILASE DARI Aspergillus fumigatus Oleh Lupia Widya Astuti Kestabilan enzim dalam industri merupakan faktor penting, karena enzim umumnya tidak stabil pada pH dan suhu ekstrim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan stabilitas enzim {\ensuremath{\alpha}}-amilase dari A. fumigatus dengan modifikasi kimia menggunakan sitrakonat anhidrida. Proses penelitian dilakukan melalui tahapan berikut: produksi enzim, isolasi, pemurnian, modifikasi kimia dan karakterisasi. Aktivitas enzim ditentukan dengan metode Fuwa dan Mandels serta kadar protein dengan metode Lowry. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan enzim hasil pemurnian mempunyai pH optimum 5; suhu optimum 50?C; KM = 3,01 mg/mL substrat; Vmaks = 35,46 {\ensuremath{\mu}}mol/mL.menit, dan uji stabilitas termal pada suhu 60?C selama 100 menit menunjukkan nilai ki = 0,0179 menit-1; t1/2 = 38,72 menit; dan {\ensuremath{\Delta}}Gi = 104,26 kJ/mol. Enzim hasil modifikasi menggunakan sitrakonat anhidrida 40 {\ensuremath{\mu}}L memiliki pH optimum 6 sedangkan 50 {\ensuremath{\mu}}L dan 60 {\ensuremath{\mu}}L memiliki pH optimum 5,5 dengan suhu optimum ketiga penambahan tersebut adalah 60?C; nilai KM berturut-turut adalah 4,57; 5,03; dan 5,22 mg/mL substrat; nilai Vmaks adalah 27,70; 25,77; dan 25,71 {\ensuremath{\mu}}mol/mL menit. Uji stabilitas termal enzim hasil modifikasi menggunakan sitrakonat anhidrida 40, 50, dan 60 {\ensuremath{\mu}}L pada suhu 60?C selama 100 menit secara berturut-turut memiliki nilai ki sebesar 0,0027; 0,0023; dan 0,0021 menit-1; t1/2 sebesar 256,67; 301,30; dan 330,00 menit; dan nilai {\ensuremath{\Delta}}Gi sebesar 109,584; 110,028; dan 110,279 kJ/mol. Modifikasi kimia enzim {\ensuremath{\alpha}}-amilase dari jamur A. fumigatus menggunakan sitrakonat anhidrida dapat meningkatkan stabilitas termal sebesar 6,6-8,5 kali. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan penurunan nilai ki dan peningkatan nilai t1/2 dan {\ensuremath{\Delta}}Gi. Kata kunci: {\ensuremath{\alpha}}-amilase, Aspergillus fumigatus, modifikasi kimia, sitrakonat anhidrida The stability of enzymes for industrial usage is important because enzymes are generally unstable at high pH and temperatures. This work aims to improve the stability of the {\ensuremath{\alpha}}-amylase enzyme from A. fumigatus by chemical modification using citraconic anhydride. The following phases were followed in the research process: enzyme production, isolation, purification, chemical modification, and characterization. The enzyme activity was then evaluated using the Fuwa and Mandels methods, and the protein content was assessed using the Lowry method. The enzyme activity was then evaluated using the Fuwa and Mandels methods, and the protein content was assessed using the Lowry method. The results showed that the native enzymes had an optimum pH of 5; optimum temperature 50?C; KM = 3.01 mg/mL substrate; Vmax = 35.46 {\ensuremath{\mu}}mol/mL.min, ki = 0.0179 min-1; t1/2 = 38.72 min; dan {\ensuremath{\Delta}}Gi = 104.26 kJ/mole. The modified enzyme using citraconic anhydride 40 {\ensuremath{\mu}}L has an optimum pH of 6 while 50 {\ensuremath{\mu}}L and 60 {\ensuremath{\mu}}L has an optimum pH of 5.5 and the optimum temperature of three concentrations is 60?C; KM = 4.57, 5.03, and 5.22 mg/mL substrate; Vmax = 27.70, 25.77, and 25.71 {\ensuremath{\mu}}mol/mL.min, respectively. The modified enzyme thermal stability test with citraconic anhydride 40, 50, and 60 {\ensuremath{\mu}}L at 60?C for 100 minutes yielded ki values of 0.0027, 0.0023, and 0.0021 min- 1, t1/2 values of 256.67, 301.30, and 330.00 min, and {\ensuremath{\Delta}}Gi values of 109.58, 110.03, and 110.28 kJ/mole. Chemical modification of the {\ensuremath{\alpha}}-amylase enzyme from the fungus A. fumigatus with citraconic anhydride can increase thermal stability by 6.6- 8.5 times. This is seen by a decrease in the value of ki and increasing the values of t1/2 and {\ensuremath{\Delta}}Gi. Keywords: {\ensuremath{\alpha}}-amylase, Aspergillus fumigatus, chemical modification, citraconic anhydride} }