%A 0913042007 Elsya Rivana %T DIFFERENCES OF COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES USED BY EXTROVERT STUDENTS AND INTROVERT STUDENTS IN ENGLISH SPEAKING ACTIVITY AT THE SECOND GRADE OF SMAN 10 BANDAR LAMPUNG %X There are some factors that influence the choice of CSs, such as learner?s attitude, language proficiency, and personality. In term of the students? personality factor, Extrovert and introvert students are the most common types of students in class. This research relates communication strategies to the personality of the learners. It is aimed to find out which communication strategy frequently used by extrovert students and introvert students. The subject of this research is students of the second grade of SMAN 10 Bandar Lampung; second grade of science which consists of 36 students is taken as a sample. A set of questionnaire was used to classify the students into extrovert and introvert. It also used a conversation to elicit the data of CSs used by both of group. Then, the researcher used taxonomic of CSs proposed by Dorney to analyze the type of CSs used by both of group. The result shows that there are 138 CSs used by extrovert and introvert students. Extroverts use 52 CSs and they tend to use appeal for help more often. Meanwhile, introverts use 86 CSs and they frequently use time gaining strategy which is using fillers in the conversation. It can be concluded that the introvert students use more communication strategies than extrovert students. Their preference in using CSs is also different. Extrovert students tend to use appeal for help frequently. Meanwhile, introvert students mostly use time gaining strategy. Both types use different communication strategies to overcome their communication problems that may appear in speaking activity. %C Universitas Lampung %D 2013 %I Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan %L eprints6906