@misc{eprints69139, month = {Desember}, title = {ANTESEDEN DAN KONSEKUENSI CITRA DESTINASI WISATA HALAL}, author = { BUDI RIYANTO KUNCORO}, publisher = {FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS}, year = {2022}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/69139/}, abstract = {Peningkatan wisatawan muslim merupakan peluang sekaligus tantangan untuk meningkatkan sektor pariwisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsep anteseden dan konsekuen citra destinasi wisata halal. Di sisi lain, pariwisata halal ini akan membuka peluang bagi destinasi pesaing untuk memanfaatkan dengan berinvestasi di pasar potensial sehingga dapat menimbulkan tantangan serius bagi kemampuan destinasi di masa depan untuk memulihkan citranya. Penelitian ini akan menguji hubungan antar variabel yang diduga memiliki pengaruh yaitu 1) Atribut Islam dan kualitas layanan halal terhadap citra destinasi wisata halal, 2) Atribut Islam, kualitas layanan halal, dan citra destinasi wisata halal terhadap loyalitas, 3) Citra destinasi wisata halal diduga dapat memediasi hubungan antara atribut Islam dan kualitas layanan halal terhadap loyalitas, dan 4) Religiusitas diduga dapat memoderasi hubungan antara atribut Islam dan kualitas layanan halal terhadap loyalitas. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah orang yang telah mengunjungi destinasi wisata halal sebanyak 451 responden yang ditentukan menggunakan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Selanjutnya, data penelitian diolah menggunakan structural equation modeling menggunakan aplikasi AMOS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa atribut Islam memiliki pengaruh positif dan signfikan terhadap citra destinasi wisata halal. Kualitas layanan halal memiliki pengaruh positif dan signfikan terhadap citra destinasi wisata halal. Citra destinasi wisata halal memiliki pengaruh positif dan signfikan terhadap loyalitas. Citra destinasi wisata halal memediasi hubungan antara atribut Islam terhadap loyalitas secara parsial yang artinya tanpa adanya variabel mediasi citra destinasi wisata halal, atribut Islam tetap akan mempengaruhi loyalitas. Selanjutnya, religiusitas berperan sebagai pemoderasi hubungan antara atribut Islam dan loyalitas, serta hubungan antara kualitas layanan terhadap loyalitas. Kebaruan dalam penelitian ini terkait dengan penggunaan religiusitas sebagai variabel pemoderasi hubungan antara atribut Islam dan kualitas layanan halal terhadap loyalitas serta peran citra destinasi wisata halal sebagai variabel pemediasi atribut Islam dan loyalitas wisatawan. Kata kunci: Atribut Islam, Kualitas Layanan, Citra Destinasi Wisata Halal, Loyalitas, Religiusitas The increase in Muslim tourists is a chance and challenge at the same time to improve tourism sectors. This study aims to analyze the antecedent concept and the halal destination tourism icon. On the other hand, halal tourism will open the chance for the rival destination to take advantage by investing in the potential market so it can cause defiance toward the ability of the destination in the future to recover the image. This study was testing the relationship between variables that were expected to have impacts, namely 1) Muslim attributes and halal service quality toward halal destination image, 2) Muslim attributes, halal service quality, and halal destination image toward loyalties and 3) halal destination image and religiosity were expected to moderate the relationship between Muslim attributes and halal service quality toward loyalties. The sample of this research was 451 people who had visited the halal destination before by using purposive sampling. The data was analyzed by using structural equation modeling with AMOS application. The results showed that Muslim attributes had a positive impact and were significant toward the halal destination image. The halal quality service had a positive impact and were significant toward the halal destination image. The halal destination image gave positive impact and significant toward loyalties. The halal destination image mediated the relation between Muslim attributes toward loyalties partially which means without a halal destination image, the muslim attributes would still have an impact on it. Another result was the halal destination image was mediated partially which meat without a halal destination image, the service quality would still give an impact on loyalties. Therefore, religiosity plays a role as the moderate to Muslim attributes and loyalties, along with the relation of quality service towards loyalties. The novelty in this study was about the use of religiosity as the moderate variable the relation between Muslim attributes and halal quality service toward loyalties also the role of halal destination image as the mediated variable of Muslim attributes and tourist loyalties. Keywords: Islamic Attributes, Service Quality, Halal Tourism Destinations} }