creators_name: ERNI TRISTIANA , 1814181005 creators_id: type: other datestamp: 2023-02-13 08:42:46 lastmod: 2023-02-13 08:42:46 metadata_visibility: show title: PERILAKU PERTUKARAN KALIUM (Q/I), PRODUKSI PADI, DAN SERAPAN K AKIBAT PEMBERIAN PUPUK KANDANG KOTORAN AYAM DAN BIOCHAR PADA PERTANAMAN PADI GOGO (Oryza sativa L.) DI TANAH ULTISOL ispublished: submitted subjects: 000 subjects: 001 full_text_status: restricted abstract: ABSTRACT BEHAVIOR OF POTASSIUM EXCHANGE (Q/I), RICE PRODUCTION, AND K ABSORPTION AS A RESULT OF MANURE AND BIOCHAR APPLICATION ON UPLAND RICE (Oryza sativa L.) IN ULTISOL By ERNI TRISTIANA Rice as one of crop commodities that has an important role in the agricultural sector. This research aims to study: 1) the effect of manure and biochar on potassium Q/I parameters (CRK 0, PBCK, ΔK0, KG) in Ultisol, 2) the effect of manure and biochar on production and absorption potassium in upland rice, and 3) correlation between Q/I parameters (CRK 0, PBCK, ΔK0, KG) and CEC with transported potassium and upland rice production due to the application of manure and biochar. Field research was arranged in a randomized block design (RBD) with 4 treatments, these are B0: control (without biochar and manure), B1: biochar (5 Mg.ha-1), B2: manure (5 Mg. ha-1), and B3: a combination of biochar (5 Mg.ha-1) and manure (5 Mg.ha-1). The results of this study indicated that 1) the soil that was given manure and biochar with a dose of 5 Mg.ha-1 each was able to increase the parameters PBCK and KG,but have not been increase the CRK 0 and ΔK0 parameters; 2) application of manure and biochar, and the combination of manure and biochar at a dose of 5 Mg.ha-1 each was able to increase production of upland rice and K-transported in plants; 3) in the soil before planting ΔK0 parameter positively correlated with K uptake of straw. Otherwise in after harvested soil, the KG parameters in the soil after harvest did not significantly correlate with K uptake of straw and rice production, but were negatively correlated with K uptake of grain. Key words : Biochar, Manure, Potassium exchange, Upland rice, Quantity- Intensity (Q/I) Padi sebagai salah satu komoditas tanaman pangan penghasil beras yang memilki peranan penting dalam sektor pertanian bagi kehidupan masyarakat. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mempelajari: 1) pengaruh pupuk kandang kotoran ayam dan biochar terhadap parameter Q/I kalium (CRK 0, PBCK, ΔK0, KG) pada tanah Ultisol, 2) pengaruh pemberian pupuk kandang kotoran ayam dan biochar terhadap produksi dan serapan unsur hara kalium pada tanaman padi gogo, dan 3) kolerasi antara parameter Q/I kalium (CRK 0, PBCK, ΔK0, KG) dan KTK dengan kalium terangkut dan produksi padi gogo akibat pemberian pupuk kandang kotoran ayam dan biochar. Penelitian di lapang disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan terdapat 4 perlakuan yaitu B0: kontrol (Tanpa biochar dan pupuk kandang kotoran ayam), B1: biochar (5 Mg.ha-1), B2: pupuk kandang kotoran ayam (5 Mg.ha-1), dan B3: kombinasi biochar (5 Mg.ha-1) dan pupuk kandang kotoran ayam (5 Mg.ha-1). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa; 1) perlakuan pupuk kandang kotoran ayam dan biochar dengan dosis masing-masing 5 Mg.ha-1 mampu meningkatkan parameter PBCK dan KG, namun belum mampu meningkatkan parameter CRK 0 dan ΔK0; 2) pemberian pupuk kandang kotoran ayam dan biochar, serta kombinasi keduanya dengan dosis 5 Mg.ha-1 mampu meningkatkan produksi tanaman padi gogo dan K terangkut pada tanaman padi gogo; 3) pada tanah sebelum tanam parameter ΔK0 nyata berkorelasi positif terhadap serapan K jerami. Sedangkan pada tanah setelah panen parameter KG nyata berkorelasi negatif terhadap serapan K gabah, serta parameter ΔK0 dan CRK 0 nyata berkorelasi negatif terhadap serapan K jerami dan produksi padi. Kata Kunci : Biochar, Padi gogo, Pertukaran kalium, Pupuk kandang kotoran ayam, Quantity-Intensity (Q/I) date: 2023-01-25 date_type: published publisher: FAKULTAS PERTANIAN place_of_pub: UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG id_number: 1814181005 citation: ERNI TRISTIANA , 1814181005 (2023) PERILAKU PERTUKARAN KALIUM (Q/I), PRODUKSI PADI, DAN SERAPAN K AKIBAT PEMBERIAN PUPUK KANDANG KOTORAN AYAM DAN BIOCHAR PADA PERTANAMAN PADI GOGO (Oryza sativa L.) DI TANAH ULTISOL. FAKULTAS PERTANIAN , UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. (Submitted) document_url: document_url: document_url: