%A 0853042009 DESTI ARYANI %T THE EFFECTS OF CROSSWORD PUZZLE GAME ON SPEAKING ACHIEVMENT AT THE SECOND GRADE OF MUHAMMADIYAH JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 3 BANDAR LAMPUNG %X In the teaching of speaking in the class, there are two problems the students faced: (1) they get difficulties to communicate in English and (2) they cannot express their ideas. The students? problem might be caused by the fact that they are afraid of making mistake in speaking and they also lack vocabulary. Therefore, the objectives of this research are to find out whether the crossword puzzle game can be used to improve the students? speaking ability and to determine whether there is a significant different before and after being taught through crossword puzzle game. This research was quantitative by nature. The design of this research was one group pretest-posttest. The subjects were class VIII D Muhammadiyah Junior High School 3 consisting of 36 students. In collecting the data, the researcher administered speaking test and interview. The test was given to the students to see how far the students improve their speaking ability. The result show that the mean score of the students? pretest 58.00 and the posttest 82.00. By comparing between the mean score of pretest and posttest, it can be found that increase was 24.00. From the computation, it can be found that t-value (35.994) is higher than t-table (2.042). It means that there was improvement in speaking ability. The data show that value of two tail significance was 0.000 and the sign < ? (0.000 < 0.05). It could be stated that the hypothesis alternative was accepted. Referring to the result of the research, it proves that there is a significant difference in students? speaking ability before and after using crossword puzzle game for the second grade of Muhammadiyah Junior High School 3. Keywords: Speaking, Crosswords Puzzle Game %C Universitas Lampung %D 2013 %I Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan %L eprints6920