%0 Generic %A Herlina, 0613042028 %C Universitas Lampung %D 2013 %F eprints:6947 %I Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan %T TEACHING WRITING THROUGH KWL (KNOW, WANT, AND LEARN) TECHNIQUE AT THE SECOND YEAR OF MAN 1 BANDAR LAMPUNG %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/6947/ %X Broadly, writing skill is considered as the most difficult language skill to be mastered because writing skill requires some elements such as content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics. Therefore, the students need to be given alternative strategy which provides the necessary stimulus and information required so that they could compose their paragraph easily. Referring to the suggestions, KWL Technique can be a solution for this problem by its steps in writing. The objectives of the research were to find out whether KWL Technique improves students writing hortatory exposition text in class XI IPS 4 of MAN 1 Bandar Lampung, to find out which writing elements – content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics –KWL Technique gives better impact and to find out which topic – computer, internet, and facebook – has the best development in students’ writing hortatory exposition text applying KWL Technique. This research used one group time series design. The results of the tests indicated that KWL Technique improves students writing hortatory exposition text in class XI IPS 4 of MAN 1 Bandar Lampung. Then, the three highest means were achieved by content, vocabulary, and language use. Finally, the result of the study shows that the topic which has the highest achievement in students’ writing hortatory exposition text applying KWL Technique is facebook. Keywords: Writing, KWL Technique, Hortatory Exposition Text