title: HUBUNGAN KOLELITIASIS DENGAN KADAR BILIRUBIN TOTAL, GAMMA GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE DAN ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE DI RUMAH SAKIT ABDOEL MOELOEK TAHUN 2019 – 2021 creator: Nadhira, Yasmin subject: 610 Ilmu kedokteran, ilmu pengobatan dan ilmu kesehatan description: Latar Belakang: Kolelitiasis merupakan penyakit yang seringkali asimptomatis bahkan sulit dideteksi dan sering terjadi kesalahan diagnosis. Tren gaya hidup sedenter sangat mungkin menyebabkan kolelitiasis. Untuk menghindari komplikasi dari kolelitiasis, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kolelitiasis dengan kadar bilirubin total, GGT dan ALP. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah analisis potong lintang. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan November-Desember 2022 dengan menggunakan rekam medis. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien yang pada tahun 2019 – 2021memiliki hasil pemeriksaan bilirubin total, GGT, dan ALP serta USG dan/atau CT Scan Abdomen di Rumah Sakit Abdoel Moeloek. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi Square. Hasil: Penelitian ini mendapatkan jumlah sampel sebanyak 62, dengan distribusi pasien yang memiliki diagnosis Kolelitiasis sebanyak 31 sampel (50%). Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan dari kelompok sampel yang memiliki diagnosis kolelitiasis, 29 sampel (93%) mengalami peningkatan kadar bilirubin total, 31 sampel (100%) mengalami peningkatan kadar GGT, dan 27 sampel (87%) mengalami peningkatan kadar ALP. Analisis Chi Square yang dilakukan antara kolelitiasis dengan kadar bilirubin total, GGT dan ALP mendapatkan hasil p value dari setiap variable sebesar 0,000. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kejadian kolelitiasis dengan peningkatan kadar bilirubin total, GGT, dan ALP. Kata Kunci: Kolelitiasis, Bilirubin total, GGT, ALP Background: Cholelithiasis is a disease that is often asymptomatic moreover it is difficult to detect and misdiagnosis often occurs. The sedentary lifestyle trend is very likely to cause cholelithiasis. To avoid complications from cholelithiasis, this study aims to find a relationship between cholelithiasis and total bilirubin, GGT and ALP levels. Methods: Type of research was an analytic cross-sectional study approach. The research was conducted in November-December 2022 using medical records. The population in this study were patients who had the results of total bilirubin, GGT, and ALP examinations as well as abdominal ultrasound and/or CT scans at Abdoel Moeloek Hospital in 2019 – 2021. Sampling used a purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed using the Chi Square test. Results: This study obtained a total sample of 62, with a distribution of patients who had a diagnosis of cholelithiasis as many as 31 samples (50%). The results of this study were obtained from the sample group with a diagnosis of cholelithiasis, 29 samples (93%) had increased total bilirubin levels, 31 samples (100%) had elevated GGT levels, and 27 samples (87%) had elevated ALP levels. Chi Square analysis conducted between cholelithiasis and total bilirubin levels, GGT and ALP obtained a p value of 0.000 for each variable. Conclusion: There was a significant relationship between the incidence of cholelithiasis and increased levels of total bilirubin, GGT, and ALP. Keywords: Cholelithiasis, Total Bilirubin, GGT, ALP publisher: FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN date: 2023-02-10 type: Skripsi type: NonPeerReviewed format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/69674/1/1.%20Abstrak.pdf format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/69674/2/2.%20Full%20Skripsi.pdf format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/69674/3/3.%20Skripsi%20tanpa%20pembahasan.pdf identifier: Nadhira, Yasmin (2023) HUBUNGAN KOLELITIASIS DENGAN KADAR BILIRUBIN TOTAL, GAMMA GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE DAN ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE DI RUMAH SAKIT ABDOEL MOELOEK TAHUN 2019 – 2021. FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. relation: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/69674/