%A 1011021110 Angga Eka Saputra %T ANALISIS KAUSALITAS PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI DAN PEMBANGUNAN MANUSIA DI PROVINSI LAMPUNG %X The purpose of this study is to causality analisys between economic growth and human development in Lampung. This study uses secondary data. data obtained from other parties in the form of data so in the form of publications. The data is obtained from sources ,Central Bureau of Statistics ( BPS ) to seek economic growth data and the data of Human Development Index. Period of this research is time series starting in 2001-2012. Based Test granger states that human development index with economic growth has a two-way or a positive relation between economic growth and HDI Lampung Province. That is , human development can affect economic growth. Instead , economic growth can also affect human development. Keywords : Economic growth, the Human Development Index ( HDI ), and Granger Causality Test %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2014 %I FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS %L eprints7036