TY - GEN CY - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG ID - eprints70449 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/70449/ A1 - DINDA , AYU LESTARI Y1 - 2023/02/06/ N2 - Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pengembangan desain LKPD menelaah struktur dan kaidah kebahasaan teks deskripsi di SMP beserta kelayakan produk LKPD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan desain LKPD menelaah struktur dan kaidah kebahasaan teks deskripsi di SMP dan mengukur kelayakan produk LKPD. Metode yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan desain produk serta menguji keefektifanya adalah penelitian dan pengembangan Research and development (R&D). Prosedur pengembangan dilakukan berdasarkan teori Borg and Gall yang disederhanakan menjadi lima tahap, yaitu potensi masalah, pengumpulan data, pengembangan desain produk, uji validasi, dan revisi desain. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini berbentuk wawancara, kuesioner (angket) pendidik dan angket ahli. Hasil penelitian ini berupa produk LKPD menelaah struktur dan kaidah kebahasaan teks deskripsi di SMP yang secara umum sudah memenuhi kebutuhan LKPD dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia kelas VII di SMP. LKPD tersebut memuat materi mengenai teks deskripsi, langkah-langkah kegiatan, tugas individu, tugas kelompok, lembar kerja, dan penilaian diri bagi peserta didik. LKPD menelaah struktur dan kaidah kebahasaan teks deskripsi telah diuji oleh ahli materi, ahli bahasa, ahli media, dan guru Bahasa Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil validasi dari ahli materi, bahasa dan media mendapatkan hasil dengan persentase 92,83 kategori sangat layak dan hasil validasi dari praktisi guru bahasa Indonesia mendapatkan hasil dengan persentase 88,12 kategori sangat layak, maka peneliti menyatakan LKPD layak karena semua saran dan masukan telah ditindak lanjuti melalui tahapan revisi. Hal tersebut dilakukan guna menyempurnakan produk LKPD sehingga menghasilkan produk akhir LKPD yang layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran di sekolah. Kata Kunci: pengembangan, desain, LKPD, teks deskripsi. The problem in this study is how the development of the LKPD design examines the structure and language conventions of descriptive texts in junior high schools along with the feasibility of the LKPD products. This study aims to describe the development of LKPD designs, examine the structure and language conventions of descriptive texts in junior high schools and measure the feasibility of LKPD products. The method used to produce product designs and test their effectiveness is research and development Research and development (R&D). The development procedure was carried out based on Borg and Gall's theory which was simplified into five stages, namely potential problems, data collection, product design development, validation tests, and design revisions. Data collection techniques in this study took the form of interviews, educator questionnaires and expert questionnaires. The results of this study are in the form of LKPD products examining the structure and language rules of descriptive texts in junior high schools, which in general have met the needs of LKPD in teaching Indonesian for class VII in junior high schools. The LKPD contains material regarding descriptive text, activity steps, individual assignments, group assignments, worksheets, and self-assessment for students. LKPD examines the structure and language rules of the descriptive text which have been tested by material experts, linguists, media experts, and Indonesian language teachers. Based on the validation results from material, language and media experts, the results were obtained with a percentage of 92.83 very feasible categories and the validation results from Indonesian language teacher practitioners obtained results with a percentage of 88.12 very feasible categories. followed up through the revision stage. This is done in order to perfect the LKPD product so as to produce the final LKPD product that is suitable for use in the learning process at school. Keywords: development, design, LKPD, descriptive text. PB - FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN TI - PENGEMBANGAN LEMBAR KERJA PESERTA DIDIK (LKPD) MENELAAH STRUKTUR DAN KAIDAH KEBAHASAAN TEKS DESKRIPSI DI SMP AL-KAUTSAR BANDAR LAMPUNG AV - restricted ER -