%A GISTI MAYANG GITA AYU %T PENGARUH SUBSTITUSI TEPUNG UBI JALAR UNGU (Ipomoea batatas L.) TERHADAP SIFAT FSIKOKIMIA MIE BASAH %X This study aims to determine the effect of purple sweet potato flour substitution on wet noodles and obtain the best substitution formula that produces wet noodles with purple sweet potato flour substitution with the best physicochemical and organoleptic properties according to SNI-2987-2015. This study used the Complete Group Randomized Design (RAKL) method with a single factor, namely sweet potato flour substitution. The study used 6 levels of purple sweet potato flour substitution, namely P0 (0%), P1 (10%), P2 (20%), P3 (30%), P4 (40%), and P5 (50%). This research consists of, making wet noodles, physical and chemical testing, organoleptic testing to get the best treatment. The data obtained were analyzed by ANARA test and BNJ test at 5% level. Each sample from each test will be tested physically, chemically and organoleptic. The best treatment is then carried out chemical testing in the form of protein levels, antioxidant levels. The results of this study showed that the substitution of purple sweet potato flour had a significant effect on wet noodles and the best purple sweet potato flour substitution was P3 treatment (30%) which had a purple color (3.883), a slightly characteristic taste and aroma of purple sweet potato (2.33), chewy texture (2.783), overall acceptance rather like (2.550) and had a moisture content of 36.7%, ash content of 1.5%, water absorption of 4.23%, The degree of development is 1.667%, the protein content is 3.44%, and the antioxidant content is 22.27%. Keywords: Wet noodles, purple sweet potato flour Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi tepung ubi jalar ungu terhadap mie basah serta mendapatkan formula substitusi terbaik yang menghasilkan mie basah dengan substitusi tepung ubi jalar ungu dengan sifat fisikokimia dan organoleptik terbaik sesuai SNI-2987-2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) dengan faktor tunggal yaitu substitusi tepung ubi jalar. Pelakuan pada penelitian ini menggunakan 6 taraf substitusi tepung ubi jalar ungu yaitu P0 (0%), P1 (10%), P2 (20%), P3 (30%), P4 (40%), dan P5 (50%). Penelitian ini terdiri dari, pembuatan mie basah, pengujian fisik dan kimia, pengujian organoleptik untuk mendapatkan perlakuan terbaik. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji ANARA dan uji BNJ pada taraf 5%. Masing-masing sampel dari setiap ulangan akan diuji fisik, kimia dan organoleptik. Perlakuan yang terbaik selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian kimia berupa kadar protein, kadar antioksidan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa substitusi tepung ubi jalar ungu berpengaruh nyata terhadap mie basah dan substitusi tepung ubi jalar ungu terbaik adalah perlakuan P3 (30%) yang memiliki warna ungu (3,883), rasa dan aroma agak khas ubi ungu (2,33), tekstur kenyal (2,783), penerimaan keseluruhan agak suka (2,550) dan memiliki kadar air 36,7%, kadar abu 1,5%, daya serap air 4,23%, derajat pengembangan 1,667%, kadar protein 3,44%, dan kadar antioksidan 22,27%. Kata kunci : Mie basah, tepung ubi jalar ungu %D 2023 %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %R 1614051040 %I FAKULTAS PERTANIAN %L eprints70872