%A FAQIH NURUL %T PENYELESAIAN INTEGRAL FRAKSIONAL DAN TURUNAN FRAKSIONAL RIEMANN-LIOUVILLE PADA FUNGSI PANGKAT TUJUH ORDE 5/2 %X Fractional integrals and fractional derivatives Riemann-Liouville are definitions which can be used to find integrals and derivatives of the order of a fractional number. This study aims to obtain the general form of the fractional integral and the fractional derivative Riemann-Liouville which has 5/2 order in a 7^th order function. Furthermore, the results of this research found out the general equations of fractional integrals and fractional derivatives Riemann-Liouville version which has 5/2 order in a 7^th order function. Based on the research, it can be concluded that the equations obtained have characteristics where the order of the integrals is in the interval ?>0 and n-1??0 dan n-1??