%A 1322011100 YENI KUSTANTI %T PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP PEREDARAN HANDPHONE BLACK MARKET DI BANDAR LAMPUNG %X ABSTRAK Peredaran handphone black market di Bandar Lampung menjadi suatu problema hukum yang banyak merugikan berbagai pihak sehingga diperlukan penegakan hukum secara lebih tegas, serta efektifitas keberlakuan Undang-Undang terkait dengan peredaran handphone black market. Rumusan permasalahan dalam penulisan ini adalah Bagaimanakah penegakan hukum pidana terhadap peredaran handphone black market di Bandar Lampung? dan mengapa terjadi penghambat pada penegakan hukum pidana terhadap peredaran handphone black market di Bandar Lampung? Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif dan pendekatan yuridis empiris. Penentuan narasumber dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 4 narasumber. Analisis data yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis kualitatif dan penarikan kesimpulan dilakukan dengan metode induktif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, pada tahap aplikasi penegakan hukum pidana terhadap peredaran handphone black market di Bandar Lampung sudah berjalan dengan baik melalui mekanisme tata kerja dan koordinasi penegak hukum sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2006 tentang Kepabeanan serta pihak Reserse Polresta dan PPNS Bea Cukai Bandar Lampung mempunyai kewenangan dalam hal melaksanakan tugas sebagai penyelidik dan penyidik terhadap peredaran handphone black market. Faktor penghambat dalam penegakan hukum yaitu lemahnya faktor undang-undang, kurangnya sarana dan prasarana serta kerja sama (keterpaduan) antar komponen-komponen yaitu penyidik Polri/PPNS Bea dan Cukai. Faktor masyarakat juga menjadi penghambat karena kebutuhan hidup modern yang tidak sebanding dengan kemampuan ekonomi sehingga menimbulkan kejahatan-kejahatan di masyarakat. Simpulan bahwa penegakan hukum terhadap peredaran handphone black market masih perlu dilakukan tindakan khusus dikarenakan lemahnya sarana dan prasarana serta kerja sama (keterpaduan) antar komponen-komponen penyidik Polri dan PPNS Bea Cukai serta faktor masyarakat masih menjadi penghambat dalam proses penegakan hukum dalam peredaran handphone black market. Saran terhadap penegak hukum baik Polri dan PPNS Bea dan Cukai agar lebih meningkatkan intensitas pengamanan secara integral dan komprehensif melibatkan seluruh institusi terkait. Kata Kunci : Penegakan Hukum, Peredaran, Handphone, Black market ABSTRACT Circulation of Handphone black market in Bandar Lampung become an problema law which is a lot of harming various party is so that needed by the law enforcement in more coherent, and also efektifitas going into effect related/relevant Code/Law with the circulation of handphone black market. Generally to know and analized law enforcement to circulation of handphone black market in Bandar Lampung? and Generally to know and analized law enforcement to circulation of handphone black market in Bandar Lampung? Research method use the approach of yuridis normatif and empirical approach yuridis. determination Narasumber in this research is consisted of by 4 narasumber. Analyse the data utilized in this research is analysis qualitative and conclusion one/conducted with the inductive method Pursuant to result of research and solution, at application phase of is law enforcement to circulation of handphone black market in Bandar Lampung have walked better through/ passing administration mechanism and co-ordinate Undang-Undang Number 17 Year 2006 about Tollbooth and also side the Detective of Polresta and PPNS Beacukai Bandar Lampung have the in the case of executing duty as investigator and investigator to circulation of handphone black market. Resistor factor in straightening of law that is its his weak is code/law factor, lack of medium and prasarana and also work is of equal usher the component that is Police investigator / PPNS Bea Cukai. Society Factor also become the resistor of because economic ill assorted modern life requirement ably so that generate badness in society. Conclude that law enforcement to circulation of handphone black market still require to be conducted action special because of its his weak is medium and prasarana and also work is of equal usher the component of investigator of Police and PPNS Bea and Cukai society factor still become the resistor in course of straightening of law in circulation of handphone black market. Suggestion to good law enforcer of police And PPNS of Bea and Cukai of to be more improving of security intensity integrally and comprehensive entangle entire/all related/relevant institution. Keyword : Law Enforcement, Circulation, Handphone, Black Market %D 2015 %I Universitas Lampung %L eprints7107