%A 1222011070 Meiria Nurphi %T EKSISTENSI LEMBAGA PERLINDUNGAN SAKSI DAN KORBAN (LPSK) TERHADAP SAKSI PELAPOR (WHISTLEBLOWER) PERKARA TINDAK PIDANA KORUPSI %X ABSTRAK Berdasarkan UU No. 13 Tahun 2006 tentangPerlindunganSaksidanKorban, lembaga yang memilikikewenanganuntukmelindungiwhistlebloweradalahLembagaPerlindunganSaksidankorban (LPSK). Dalam undang-undanginitidakmenyebutkansecarajelasmengenaipengertiandanperlindunganterhadapwhistleblower. PermasalahandalampenulisantesisiniadalahbagaimanakaheksistensiLembagaPerlindunganSaksidanKorban (LPSK)dalammemberikanperlindunganterhadapwhistleblowerpadaperkaratindakpidanakorupsi. Penelitianinidilakukandenganmenggunakanmetodepenelitiansecarayuridisnormatif. Data diperolehdarisumber data sekunderyang terdiridaribahanhukum primer, bahanhukumsekunder, bahanhukumtersier.Data yang diperolehselanjutnyadianalisisuntukmendapatkankesimpul;an yang sesuaidenganpermasalahn yang dibahas. Berdasarkanhasilpenelitian, EksistensiLembagaPerlindunganSaksidanKorban (LPSK)memerlukankewenangan yang lebihluasdalammemberikanperlindunganterhadapwhistleblower.Kordinasibahkanjikamungkin diberikanhak agar dibantuolehaparatpenegakhukum yang melakukantindakanpengamanandanproteksikeamanan. Olehkarenaitu UU perlindungansaksidapatmencantumkankewajibanlembaga-lembagalainnyadalammendukungLembagaPerlindunganSaksidanKorban (LPSK)karenahaliniakanmembantukinerjaLembagaPerlindunganSaksidanKorban(LPSK). Selanjutnyadisarankanperlindunganhukumterhadapwhistleblowerperluperundang-undangankhusus yang mengatursecarategasmengenaiperlindunganterhadapwhistleblower. Peraturanperundang-undangantersebutterintegrasimengikatLembagaPerlindunganSaksidanKorbanLembagaPerlindunganSaksidanKorban (LPSK)dandidukungpara aparatpenegakhukumlainnyamulaidaripolisi, jaksa, hakim, KomisiPemberantasanKorupsi (KPK), LembagaPemasyarakatan, KementrianHukumdan Ham, danadvokat. LembagaPerlindunganSaksidanKorban (LPSK)haruslebihaktifdalammemberikanperlindunganterhadapwhistleblowersupayakedudukannyapadaperkaratindakpidanakorupsidapatlebihterjaminkeamanandankapasitasnyasebagaiwhistleblowerdapatlebihdipertanggungjawabkanmenurutketentuanhukum yang berlaku. Kata kunci :Eksistensi, PerlindunganSaksidanKorban, SaksiPelapor ABSTRACT Based on of the the Agency Whistleblower, Act 13 of 2006 give fortunately. Although currently there are no Witness and Victim Protection Agency (Agency) whom perform tasks provide protection for witnesses and victims. But unfortunately not yet reached the scope of the Agency Whistleblower, Act 13 of 2006 does not specify that the whistleblower is given protection. The research was conducted by using normative juridical research. Data obtained from secondary data sources consisting of primary legal materials, legal materials secondary, tertiary, legal materials. Based on the research results of the Agency should be given greater autonomy in coordination even if it may be given the right to be assisted by law enforcement officers who carry out security measures and security protection. Other authority required by the agency in conjunction with other law enforcement agencies are right to give advice about the condition of a witness or victim, including when witnesses will give testimony in the trials. Therefore witness protection law must include an obligation other agencies in supporting the work of the Witness Protection Agency. Besides, the Agency needs to be given the right to collaborate with the community in order to provide protection. To synergize the protection of the witness protection law this cooperation should also be open to the public, besides that it is useful for the Agency as this will help the Agency both logistical and support resource protection. Furthermore, advised against the Witness and Victim Protection Agency regarding the existence of the reporting witness corruption cases should be more active in providing protection to the reporting witness. This is done so that the position of a witness, corruption can be more secure and capacity as a witness can be accountable under applicable law. Keywords : Existences, Witness Protection and Victim Agency, The Witness Reporter %D 2014 %I Universitas Lampung %L eprints7134