@misc{eprints7216, month = {Januari}, title = {Penapisan Isolat Bakteri Penghambat Vibrio harveyi Pada Pemeliharaan Udang Vannamei (Litopenaeus vannamei)}, author = {1014111072 ASSOVARIA}, address = {Universitas Lampung}, publisher = {Fakultas Pertanian}, year = {2015}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/7216/}, abstract = {ABSTRAK BAHASA INDONESIA Budidaya udang vannamei sering mengalami masalah infeksi bakteri, terutama infeksi Vibrio harveyi. Penyakit infeksi yang sering ditandai dengan berpendarnya tubuh udang ini, dapat menurunkan produksi benih. Penggunaan suplemen (probiotik) yang potensial menghambat V. harveyi merupakan salah satu upaya penanggulangan penyakit ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan isolat bakteri sebagai kandidat probiotik penghambat V. harveyi. Pelaksanaanya meliputi penapisan isolat bakteri, identifikasi bakteri, uji patogenisitas, dan uji tantang. Penapisan isolat bakteri berhasil mendapatkan 1 isolat yang mampu menghambat V. harveyi. Isolat tersebut diidentifikasi sebagai Acinetobacter sp. Uji patogenisitas menunjukkan bakteri tersebut tidak patogen. Uji tantang dilakukan pada larva udang vannamei melalui 3 perlakuan yaitu tanpa pemberian bakteri sebagai perlakuan kontrol; perlakuan pemberian V. harveyi saja; dan perlakuan dengan pemberian V. harveyi dan Acinetobacter sp. Pelakuan dengan pemberian V. harveyi dan Acinetobacter sp. mampu menurunkan kepadatan V. harveyi dari 6,3x106 CFU/mL menjadi 7,5x103 CFU/mL. Kata kunci : udang vannamei, Vibrio harveyi, probiotik, Acinetobacter sp. ABSTRACT BAHASA INGGRIS Culture of pacific white shrimp often suffers bacterial infection, mainly infection of Vibrio harveyi. The disease that characterised by luminous shrimp body can drop the larvae production. Using suplement (probiotic) that potentially inhibits V. harveyi is one of currative method of the disease. The purpose of this study was to obtain bacterial isolates as probiotic candidate that capable to inhibit V. harveyi. The implementation of this study was including screening of bacterial isolate, identification of bacteria, pathogenicity test and challenged test. Screening of bacterial isolates was succeded to abtain an isolate that have ability to inhibit V. harveyi. The isolate was identified as Acinetobacter sp. Pathogenicity test was shown that the isolate was not a pathogen. Challenged test was conducted in larvae of pacific white shrimp through 3 treatments i.e treatment without bacterial given as a control; treatment with V. harveyi solely given ; and treatment with V. harveyi and Acinetobacter sp. given. Treatment of V. harveyi and Acinetobacter sp. given was able to decrease density of V. harveyi from 6.3x106 CFU/mL to 7.5x103 CFU/mL. Keywords : pacific white shrimp, Vibrio harveyi, probiotic, Acinetobacter sp. } }