creators_name: ALI , MUSTOFA creators_id: 1925021006 type: thesis datestamp: 2023-06-16 01:53:22 lastmod: 2023-06-16 01:53:22 metadata_visibility: show title: CO-FIRING BATUBARA SUB-BITUMINOUS B DAN TANDAN KOSONG KELAPA SAWIT TERTOREFAKSI: ANALISIS TERMOGRAVIMETRI, EFISIENSI PEMBAKARAN, EMISI DAN INDEKS SLAGGING ispublished: pub subjects: 620 full_text_status: restricted abstract: Mahasiswa Jurusan Magister Teknik Mesin, Universitas Lampung 2,3 Dosen Jurusan Magister Teknik Mesin, Universitas Lampung Ketergantungan penggunaan bahan bakar fosil dan menipisnya persediaan bahan bakar fosil dalam satu dekade terakhir membuat pelaku energi mencari solusi energi alternatif. Penelitian ini menyajikan studi pembakaran bersama (co-firing) batubara sub-bituminous B dan tandan kosong kelapa sawit tertorefaksi menggunakan metode pulverized coal skala laboratorium dengan komposisi campuran tandan kosong kelapa sawit mencapai 30%. Sebelum melakukan pembakaran, dilakukan pengujian bahan meliputi thermogravimetry, kandungan abu dan ash fusion temperature. Pembakaran dilakukan untuk mengetahui temperatur dan efisiensi pembakaran serta pembentukan gas SO 2 dan NOx. Hasil uji termogravimetri menunjukkan batubara sub-bituminous B mengalami gradien kehilangan massa tinggi pada temperatur 400-520°C senilai 65 µg/menit dan tandan kosong kelapa sawit tertorefaksi mengalami gradien kehilangan massa tinggi pada temperatur 200-400°C senilai 473 µg/menit. Peningkatan persentase tandan kosong kelapa sawit dalam co-firing telah menurunkan temperatur dan meningkatkan efisiensi pembakaran serta mereduksi SO 2 dan NOx. Excess air pembakaran single firing batubara dan co-firing dapat mengurangi emisi CO, SO 2 dan NOx. Komposisi kimia abu tandan kosong kelapa sawit banyak mengandung logam K 2 O, Fe 2 O 3 , CaO dan Mg. Tandan kosong kelapa sawit tertorefaksi memiliki nilai AFT rendah dengan nilai deformation temperature (DT) 1005°C. Batubara sub-bituminous B memiliki nilai deformation temperature (DT) 1520°C. Hasil skenario perhitungan slagging index menggunakan indeks Rb/s. Rs, AFI, Ai dan SR diperoleh proporsi penggunaan tandan kosong kelapa sawit dalam sistem cofiring yang masih aman mencapai 20%. Kata kunci: Batubara, Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (TKKS), Torefaksi, Co-firing, Emisi, Slagging Master student in Mechanical Engineering Department, Lampung University 2,3 Lecture in Mechanical Engineering Department, Lampung University Dependence on the use of fossil fuels and the depletion of fossil fuel supplies in the last decade has made energy players look for alternative energy solutions. This study presents a study of co-firing of sub-bituminous coal B and torrefaction oil palm empty fruit bunches using the laboratory scale pulverized coal method with a mixture composition of empty palm fruit bunches reaching 30%. Prior to burning, material testing is carried out including thermogravimetry, ash content and ash fusion temperature. Combustion is carried out to determine the temperature and combustion efficiency as well as the formation of SO 2 and NOx gases. The results of the thermogravimetric test showed that sub-bituminous coal B experienced a high mass loss gradient at a temperature of 400-520°C worth 65 µg/minute and torrefaction oil palm empty fruit bunches experienced a high mass loss gradient at a temperature of 200-400°C worth 473 µg/minute. The presence of empty palm oil bunches in co-firing has lowered temperature and increased combustion efficiency and reduced SO 2 and NOx. Excess air for single firing coal and co-firing can reduce CO, SO 2 and NOx emissions. The chemical composition of empty palm fruit bunch ash contains a lot of metal K 2 O, Fe 2 O 3 , CaO and Mg. Torrefied empty fruit bunches of oil palm have a low AFT value with a deformation temperature (DT) of 1005°C. Sub-bituminous coal B has a deformation temperature (DT) value of 1520°C. The results of the slagging index calculation scenario use the Rb/s index. Rs, AFI, Ai and SR found that the proportion of using empty palm fruit bunches in the co-firing system is still safe, reaching 20%. Keywords: Coal, Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB), Torrefaction, Co-firing, Emission, Slagging date: 2023-05-27 date_type: published institution: UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG department: FAKULTAS TEKNIK thesis_type: masters citation: ALI , MUSTOFA (2023) CO-FIRING BATUBARA SUB-BITUMINOUS B DAN TANDAN KOSONG KELAPA SAWIT TERTOREFAKSI: ANALISIS TERMOGRAVIMETRI, EFISIENSI PEMBAKARAN, EMISI DAN INDEKS SLAGGING. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. document_url: document_url: document_url: