@misc{eprints72593, month = {Juni}, title = {PENGARUH INSTRUMEN MONETER SYARIAH DAN TOTAL PEMBIAYAAN TERHADAP PRODUK DOMESTIK BRUTO DI INDONESIA PERIODE 2010-2021 }, author = {Ismawati Rizki}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS}, year = {2023}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/72593/}, abstract = { Gross Domestic Product is the total amount of goods or services produced by a country in a certain period. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of SBIS, FASBIS, PUAS, and Total Financing on GDP in Indonesia. This study uses secondary data sourced from the Indonesian Economic and Financial Statistics website published by Bank Indonesia (SEKI-BI) and Sharia Banking Statistics (SPS-OJK). The research method used is the ECM (Erro Correction Model) method with a research period of 2010M1-2021M12. Based on the estimation results both in the long and short term, each variable shows that statistically the SBIS variable has a negative and significant effect, Total Financing has a positive and significant effect on Gross Domestic Product in Indonesia. While the PUAS and FASBIS variables have no significant effect on GDP in Indonesia. Keywords: GDP, Indonesian sharia bank certificate, Sharia bank Indonesia deposit facility, Islamic inter-bank money market,Total Financing. } }