@mastersthesis{eprints72868, month = {Maret}, title = {MODEL PREDIKTOR WAKTU PENGELUARAN KOLOSTRUM PADA PASIEN POSTPARTUM BERBASIS DATA STATUS IBU, OBSTETRI, DAN BAYI DI KABUPATEN PRINGSEWU TAHUN 2022}, school = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, author = {NOVANSYAH UKHRON }, year = {2023}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/72868/}, abstract = {Kolostrum merupakan ASI pertama yang manfaatnya sangat penting bagi bayi, karena banyak mengandung zat gizi seperti protein dan lemak, antibodi untuk pencegahan terhadap infeksi bakteri, virus dan jamur, serta mengandung beberapa vitamin yang penting untuk bayi baru lahir. Tujuan penelitian ini membuat model prediktor waktu pengeluaran kolostrum pada pasien postpartum dari variabelvariabel yang memengaruhi pengeluaran kolostrum. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Agustus-Oktober 2022 di Kabupaten Pringsewu. Variabel independen meliputi status ibu, status obstetri dan status bayi. Variabel dependen adalah waktu pengeluaran kolostrum. Populasi adalah semua ibu yang melahirkan beberapa fasilitas kesehatan di Kabupaten Pringsewu, sampel merupakan ibu melahirkan yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Analisa yang digunakan univariat, bivariat dan multivariat menggunakan analisis regresi logistik ganda. Analisis mendapatkan bahwa ada hubungan antara status gizi (p=0,000), status psikologis (p=0,000), anatomi puting (p=0,045), komplikasi persalinan (p=0,000), metode persalinan (p=0,000), dan berat bayi lahir (p=0,000) dengan waktu pengeluaran kolostrum. Analisis dengan regresi linier berganda didapatkan status gizi ibu, komplikasi persalinan, metode persalinan dan berat bayi lahir yang dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor waktu pengeluaran ASI kolostrum. Saran bagi ibu postpartum agar makan makanan bergizi, rutin melakukan pemeriksaan rutin ke dokter, mobilitas dini setelah pasca melahirkan. Bagi tenaga kesehatan diharapkan dapat memberikan pendidikan kesehatan berupa breastcare yang diharapkan mempercepat keluarnya kolostrum pertama dan menganjurkan ibu untuk tetap menyusui walaupun kolostrum belum keluar. Diharapkan tenaga kesehatan untuk menilai faktor risiko yang memengaruhi pengeluaran ASI sehingga dapat mencegah keterlambatan pengeluaran kolostrum yang berujung pada kegagalan dalam pemberian ASI. Kata kunci: waktu pengeluaran kolostrum, status ibu, status obstetri, status bayi, model prediktor waktu pengeluaran kolostrum Background: Colostrum is the first breast milk whose benefits are very important for newborns, because it contains many nutrients such as proteins and fats, antibodies for prevention against bacterial, viral and fungal infections, and contains several vitamins that are important for newborns. Research objective: The purpose of this study was to create a predictor model of the timing of colostrum production in postpartum patients from the variables that affect colostrum production. Type of research: This type of quantitative research with a cross sectional approach. The research was conducted in August-October 2022 in Pringsewu District. Independent variables include mother's status, obstetrical status and baby's status. The dependent variable is the timing of colostrum excretion. The population is all mothers who gave birth to several health facilities in Pringsewu District, the sample is mothers who meet the inclusion criteria. The analysis used univariate, bivariate and multivariate using multiple logistic regression analysis. Results: The analysis found that there was a relationship between nutritional status (p=0.000), psychological status (p=0.000), nipple anatomy (p=0.045), complications of delivery (p=0.000), method of delivery (p=0.000), and birth weight (p=0.000) with colostrum expulsion time. Analysis with multiple linear regression obtained maternal nutritional status, complications of labour, method of delivery and birth weight which can be used as predictors of colostrum milk expulsion time Suggestions:Advice for postpartum mothers to eat nutritious food, regularly check to the doctor, early mobility after postpartum. For health workers, hopely that they can provide breastcare health education which is expected to accelerate the release of the first colostrum and encourage mothers to continue breastfeeding even though the colostrum has not yet come out. It is hoped that health workers will assess the risk factors that affect breastfeeding so that they can prevent delays in colostrum excretion which can lead to failure in breastfeeding. Keywords: colostrum excretion, mother's status, obstetrical status, baby's status, colostrum excretion time predictor model} }