@misc{eprints72879, month = {Juni}, title = {PENGARUH FOOR RMULASI TEPUNG TAPIOKA DAN IK IKA AN GABUS TERHADAP KKARAKTERISTIK FISIK DAN SENSORII PEMPEK KERING IKAN GABUS}, author = {ADJIE WICAKSONO TUBAGUS }, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS PERTANIAN}, year = {2023}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/72879/}, abstract = { Dry pempek is a food from dried pempek. The aims of this study were to determine the effect of tapioca and snakehead fish formulations on the physical and sensory characteristics of dry snakehead fish pempek and to obtain the best tapioca and snakehead fish formulations. This study was arranged in a one-factor Complete Randomized Block Design (RAKL) with 6 treatments and 4 replications. The ratio of snakehead fish meat and tapioca flour consisted of 6 levels: K1(70\%:30\%); K2(60\%:40\%); K3(50\%:50\%); K4(40\%:60\%); K5(30\%:70\%) and K6(20\%:80\%). The ratio of the addition of tapioca flour and snakehead fish meat affects the chemical analysis of dry pempek including water content and water rehydration ratio and affects sensory tests including texture, color, taste and overall acceptance of snakehead dry pempek. Dry pempek snakehead fish with the best formulation was the K2 treatment (60\% tapioca flour:40\% snakehead fish) which resulted in a water content of 11.92\%, rehydration ratio 100\%, color score was grayish-white, for dry pempek it smells a bit fishy, and has a slightly chewy texture and a fishy taste. Overall acceptance has a score of 4.21, which means that dry pempek is liked by the panelists. Keywords: Dry pempek, snakehead fish, drying Pempek kering berasal dari pempek yang dikeringkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui pengaruh formulasi tapioka dan ikan gabus terhadap karakteristik fisik dan sensori pempek kering ikan gabus dan mendapatkan formulasi tapioka dan ikan gabus terbaik. Penelitian ini disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) satu faktor dengan 6 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perbandingan daging ikan gabus dan tepung tapioka terdiri dari 6 taraf : K1 (70\% : 30\%); K2 (60\% : 40\%); K3 (50\% : 50\%); K4 (40\% : 60\%);K5 (30\% : 70\%) dan K6 (20\% : 80\%). Rasio penambahan tepung tapioka dan daging ikan gabus berpengaruh terhadap analisis kimia pempek kering meliputi kadar air dan rasio rehidrasi air serta berpengaruh terhadap uji sensori meliputi tekstur, warna, rasa dan penerimaan keseluruhan pempek kering. Pempek kering ikan gabus dengan formulasi terbaik adalah perlakuan K2 (tepung tapioka 60\% : ikan gabus 40\%) yang menghasilkan kadar air 11,92\%, rasio rehidrasi 100\%, skor warna berwarna putih keabu-abuan, pempek kering beraroma agak khas ikan, bertekstur agak kenyal, dan rasa khas ikan. Penerimaan secara keseluruhan memiliki skor 4,21 yang artinya pempek kering disukai panelis. Kata kunci : Pempek kering, ikan gabus, pengeringan} }