title: PENGEMBANGAN DESTINASI WISATA MELALUI KONSEP COMMUNITY BASED TOURISM (CBT) (Studi di Wisata Alam Taman Jaya Lestari Desa Cabang Lampung Tengah) creator: MIA , OKTIVIDHA ANDRIANI subject: 320 Ilmu politik (politik dan pemerintahan) description: Destinasi wisata alam Taman Jaya Lestari di Desa Cabang Kecamatan Bandar Surabaya Kabupaten Lampung Tengah menerapkan konsep community based tourism (CBT) sebagai upaya untuk memberdayakan masyarakat desa, dalam mengembangkan Konsep CBT tersebut ditemukan permasalahan yakni; belum adanya kesempatan bagi warga setempat untuk menjual cinderamata dan kerajinan dan belum membangun komunitas yang kuat dan bersemangat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan destinasi wisata melalui konsep CBT di wisata alam Taman Jaya Lestari Desa Cabang Kecamatan Bandar Surabaya Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini diperoleh data melalui wawancara dengan pengurus Jaya Lestari dan Aparatur Desa, data dianalisis dari hasil wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi yang dipilah sesuai aspek konsep CBT. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengembangan destinasi Wisata Alam Taman Jaya Lestari melalui Konsep CBT tidak berhasil. Berdasarkan Advantages of Community Based Tourism Dari 10 indikator keberhasilan tersebut hanya 4 yang telah diterapkan pada destinasi wisata alam taman jaya lestari. Pemerintah Desa Cabang tidak cukup berperan dalam pengembangan konsep Community based tourism pada destinasi wisata alam Taman Jaya Lestari baik peran sebagai regulator dan fasilitator namun pemerintah desa berperan sebagai katalisator. Tidak berhasilnya konsep Community based tourism di Taman Jaya Lestari dikarenakan sumber dana yang tidak mencukupi, kurangnya jumlah sumber daya manusia di bidang pengembangan pariwisata, SDM rendah dalam menyikapi pentingnya pengembangan pariwisata, mayoritas masyarakat yang hidup sebagai nelayan cenderung apatis dan kurang sadar terhadap pengembangan wisata. Dukungan dari pihak swasta atau pengusaha wisata juga masih minim, serta kurangnya investor yang mau untuk turut mengembangkan konsep CBT. Kata Kunci: Community Based Tourism, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Taman Jaya Lestari natural tourism destination in Cabang Village, Bandar Surabaya District, Central Lampung Regency applies the concept of community based tourism (CBT) as an effort to empower village communities, but in developing the CBT Concept, problems were found, namely; there is no opportunity for local residents to sell souvenirs and crafts and has not built a strong and vibrant community. This research aims to describe the development of tourist destinations through the CBT concept in Taman Jaya Lestari natural tourism in Cabang Village, Bandar Surabaya Sub-district, Central Lampung Regency. This descriptive qualitative research obtained data through interviews with Jaya Lestari administrators and village officials, the data were analyzed from the results of interviews, documentation and observations sorted according to aspects of the CBT concept. The results showed that the development of Taman Jaya Lestari Nature Tourism destinations through the CBT Concept was not successful. Based on the Advantages of Community Based Tourism of the 10 indicators of success, only 4 have been applied to the natural tourist destination of Taman Jaya Lestari. The Cabang Village Government does not play a role in developing the concept of community-based tourism in Taman Jaya Lestari natural tourist destinations, either as a regulator, facilitator or catalyst. The unsuccessful concept of community-based tourism in Taman Jaya Lestari is due to insufficient financial resources, lack of human resources in the field of tourism development, community readiness in addressing the importance of tourism development, the majority of people who live as fishermen tend to be apathetic and less aware of tourism development as a result of community innovation and creation cannot be optimal. Support from the private sector or tourism entrepreneurs is also still minimal, as well as the lack of investors who are willing to participate in developing the CBT concept. Keywords: Community Based Tourism, Community Empowerment publisher: FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK date: 2023-06-19 type: Skripsi type: NonPeerReviewed format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/73227/3/ABSTRAK.pdf format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/73227/19/SKRIPSI%20FULL.pdf format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/73227/20/SKRIPSI%20TANPA%20BAB%20PEMBAHASAN.pdf identifier: MIA , OKTIVIDHA ANDRIANI (2023) PENGEMBANGAN DESTINASI WISATA MELALUI KONSEP COMMUNITY BASED TOURISM (CBT) (Studi di Wisata Alam Taman Jaya Lestari Desa Cabang Lampung Tengah). FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. relation: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/73227/