%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A SEPTRIA , JUWITA %B FAKULTAS MIPA %D 2023 %F eprints:73510 %I UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %P 2127021002 %T UJI PEMBERIAN VERMIKOMPOS-ZEOLIT ALAM TERHADAP KEPADATAN SEL Thalassiosira sp., dan PROBIOTIK Lactobacillus sp. DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN SINTASAN LARVA UDANG VANAME %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/73510/ %X Thalassiosira sp. adalah mikroalga yang dikultur untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi dalam budidaya larva udang vaname. Kepadatan sel mikroalga pada kultur dipengaruhi oleh komposisi pupuk yang diberikan dan didukung oleh bakteri probiotik yang dapat diperoleh dari alam. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua tahap. Penelitian tahap pertama dilakukan uji pemberian vermikompos-zeolit alam terhadap jumlah probiotik Lactobacillus sp. dan kepadatan sel Thalassiosira sp. Penelitian tahap kedua merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan menguji hasil kultur Thalassiosira sp. terhadap jumlah probiotik Lactobacillus sp. dan sintasan larva udang vaname. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan November 2022 sampai Maret 2023 di lokasi pembenihan udang vaname PT. Citra Larva Cemerlang di Kalianda, Lampung Selatan dan Laboratorium Mikrobiologi FMIPA Universitas Lampung. Perlakuan disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan satu faktor yaitu jenis pupuk Thalassiosira sp. terdiri dari pupuk komersial (FeCl, NaNO3, DSP, silika, EDTA) sebagai kontrol (K), vermikompos (V), zeolit alam (Z), vermikompos + zeolit alam (VZ). Setiap perlakuan diulang 4 kali. Data yang diperoleh dilakukan analisis ANOVA menggunakan program IBM SPSS 26 pada taraf kepercayaan 5%, dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut Duncan untuk mengetahui perbedaan antar perlakuan. Pemberian vermikompos dan zeolit alam pada kultur Thalassiosira sp. mampu meningkatkan jumlah probiotik Lactobacillus sp. Hasil terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan menggunakan kombinasi vermikompos dan zeolit alam dengan rata-rata log jumlah sel hidup Lactobacillus sp. 6 CFU/mL. Namun, pemberian vermikompos dan zeolit alam tidak mampu meningkatkan kepadatan sel hidup Thalassiosira sp. Pemberian hasil kultur Thalassiosira sp. menggunakan vermikompos dan zeolit alam mampu meningkatkan jumlah probiotik Lactobacillus sp. dan sintasan larva udang vaname. Hasil terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan menggunakan kombinasi vermikompos dan zeolit alam dengan rata-rata log jumlah sel hidup Lactobacillus sp. 7,2 CFU/mL dan persentase sintasan 80,6%. Kata kunci: vermikompos, zeolit alam, Thalassiosira sp., Lactobacillus sp., sintasan, larva udang vaname. ABSTRACT TEST APPLICATION of VERMICOMPOS-NATURAL ZEOLIT on CELL DENSITY of Thalassiosira sp., and PROBIOTICS Lactobacillus sp. in the EFFORT to INCREASE the SURVIVAL of VANNAMEI SHRIMP LARVAE By SEPTRIA JUWITA Thalassiosira sp. is microalgae that is cultured to meet nutritional needs in the cultivation of vannamei shrimp larvae. The density of microalgae cells in culture is influenced by the composition of the fertilizer given and supported by probiotic bacteria that can be obtained from nature. This research is conducted in two steps. The first staps of the research was to test the application of natural vermicompost-zeolite to the amount of probiotic Lactobacillus sp. and the cell density of Thalassiosira sp. The second stage of research is development research by testing the culture results of Thalassiosira sp. on the amount of probiotic Lactobacillus sp. and survival of vannamei shrimp larvae. The research was carried out from November 2022 to March 2023 at the vannamei shrimp hatchery PT. Citra Larva Cemerlang in Kalianda, South Lampung and Microbiology Laboratory FMIPA University of Lampung. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design (CRD) with one factor, which is the type of fertilizer for the culture media of Thalassiosira sp. which consists of commercial fertilizers (FeCl, NaNO3, DSP, Silica, EDTA) as controls (K), vermicompost (V), natural zeolite (Z), vermicompost + natural zeolite (VZ). Each treatment was repeated 4 times. The data obtained was analyzed with ANOVA by using the IBM SPSS 26 program at the 5% level of confidence, continued with Duncan's further test to determine the significant difference between each treatments. The Application of vermicompost and natural zeolite to the culture of Thalassiosira sp. was able to increase the amount of probiotic Lactobacillus sp. The best results was found in treatment by using a combination of vermicompost and natural zeolite with an average log number the live cell density of Lactobacillus sp. 6 CFU/mL. However, the application of vermicompost and natural zeolite was not able to increase the live cell density of Thalassiosira sp. Application of culture results of Thalassiosira sp. by using vermicompost and natural zeolite was able to increase the amount of probiotic Lactobacillus sp. and survival of vannamei shrimp larvae. The best results was found in the treatment by using a combination of vermicompost and natural zeolite with an average log number the live cell density of Lactobacillus sp. 7,2 CFU/mL and a survival rate of 80,6%. Keywords: vermicompost, natural zeolite, Thalassiosira sp., Lactobacillus sp., survival, vann amei shrimp larvae