creators_name: ., PRIMA AGUSTINA type: other datestamp: 2014-01-08 05:14:48 lastmod: 2014-01-08 05:14:48 metadata_visibility: show title: PENGARUH STRUKTUR CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN PADA PERUSAHAAN MANUFAKTUR DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA ispublished: pub subjects: HB full_text_status: restricted abstract: This study aims to examine empirically the influence of corporate governance structure (including the proportion of independent commissioners, institutional ownership, managerial ownership, and quality audit) to the value of the firm as measured by the value of Tobin's Q. The sample in this study were manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange obtained by purposive sampling method. Study period was used from 2005-2008. Based on established criteria, it acquired 20 companies that became the study sample. Testing the hypothesis in this research is done by using multiple linear regression analysis on 95% confidence level and error rate in the analysis ( ) 5%. Prior to conducting the multiple regression analysis, first performed classical assumption test. The results showed that institutional ownership has a positive effect on firm value. While the independent commissioners, managerial ownership and audit quality hasn’t. Keywords: Firm Value, Independent Commissioner, Institutional Ownership, Managerial Ownership, and Quality Audit. date: 2011-09-15 date_type: published publisher: Fakultas Ekonomi place_of_pub: Universitas Lampung related_url_type: pub citation: ., PRIMA AGUSTINA (2011) PENGARUH STRUKTUR CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN PADA PERUSAHAAN MANUFAKTUR DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA. Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Lampung. document_url: