creators_name: Rizal Endi, 1121021007 type: other datestamp: 2015-02-27 07:15:47 lastmod: 2015-11-03 07:15:46 metadata_visibility: show title: ANALISIS SEKTOR UNGGULAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN WILAYAH DI KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG 2000-2012 ispublished: pub subjects: HC subjects: JS full_text_status: restricted abstract: Pertumbuhan ekonomi merupakan indikator dari sebuah proses pembangunan ekonomi yang dilakukan baik di tingkat nasional maupun regional (daerah). Peningkatan jumlah penduduk menuntut para penentu kebijakan pembangunan terutama di daerah untuk menggerakkan seluruh sektor perekonomiannya secara maksimal menghasilkan barang dan jasa yang dibutuhkan masyarakat dalam bentuk peningkatan output agregrat atau Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) setiap tahun. Dalam rangka meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi pencapaian tujuan pembangunan, maka pelaksanaan pembangunan ekonomi perlu diarahkan pada sektor-sektor yang mampu memberikan multiflier effect yang besar terhadap sektor-sektor lainnya dan perekonomian secara keseluruhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sektor unggulan dalam struktur perekonomian Kota Bandar Lampung sebagai bahan informasi dan pertimbangan dalam perencanaan pembangunan dan strategi pengembangan wilayah. Penelitian ini menggunakan data time series PDRB Kota Bandar Lampung dan Provinsi Lampung tahun 2000-2012. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu analisis Klassen Tipology, analisis Location Quotient (LQ) dan analisis Shift Share. Hasil analisis Tipologi Klassen menunjukkan bahwa sektor ekonomi Kota Bandar Lampung yang tergolong maju dan tumbuh pesat adalah (1) sektor industri pengolahan dan (2) sektor keuangan, persewaan, dan jasa perusahaan. Sedangkan subsektor/sub-subsektor ekonomi Kota Bandar Lampung yang tergolong maju dan tumbuh pesat adalah (1) industri bukan migas, (2) barang kayu dan hasil hutan lainnya, (3) Semen dan barang galian bukan logam, (4) Logam dasar besi dan baja, (5) Angkutan jalan rel, (6) Angkutan laut, dan (7) Jasa pemerintah lannya. Hasil analisis Location Quorient menunjukkan bahwa sektor ekonomi Kota Bandar Lampung yang tergolong sektor basis adalah (1) sektor industri pengolahan, (2) sektor listrik, gas, dan air bersih, (3) sektor bangunan, (4) sektor perdagangan, hotel, dan restoran, (5) sektor pengangkutan dan komunikasi, (6) sektor keuangan, persewaan, dan jasa perusahaan, dan (7) sektor jasa-jasa. Sedangkan sektor ekonomi Kota Bandar Lampung yang tergolong sektor nonbasis adalah (1) sektor pertanian dan (2) sektor pertambangan dan galian. Sedangkan subsektor ekonomi Kota Bandar Lampung yang tergolong subsektor basis adalah (1) Penggalian, (2) Industri bukan migas, (3) Barang kayu dan hasil hutan lainyna, (4) Kertas dan barang cetakan, (5) Pupuk kimia dan barang dari karet, (6) Semen dan barang galian bukan logam, (7) Logam dasar besi dan baja, (8) listrik, (9) Air bersih, (10) Perdagangan besar dan eceran, (11) Hotel, (12) Restoran, (13) Pengangkutan, (14) Angkutan jalan rel, (15) Angkutan jalan raya, (16) Angkutan laut, (17) Jasa penunjang angkutan, (18) Komunikasi, (19) Pos dan telekomunikasi, (20) Bank, (21) Lembaga keuangan nonbank, (22) Real estat, (23) Jasa perusahaan, (24) Pemerintahan umum, (25) Administrasi pemerintah dan pertanahan, (26)Jasa pemerintah lainnya, (27) Swasta, (28) Jasa sosial kemasyarakatan, (29) Jasa hiburan dan rekreasi, (30) Jasa perorangan dan rumah tangga. Sedangkan Sub Sektor ekonomi Kota Bandar Lampung yang tergolong subsektor nonbasis adalah (1) Tanaman bahan makanan, (2) Tanaman perkebunan, (3) Peternakan dan hasilnya, (4) Kehutanan, (5) Perikanan, (6) Minyak dan gas bumi, (7) Pertambangan bukan migas, (8) Industri migas, (9) Pengilangan minyak bumi, (10) Gas alam cair, (11) Makanan, minuman, dan tembakau, (12) Tekstil, barang kulit dan alas kaki, (13) Alat angkut mesin dan peralatannya, (14) Barang lainnya, (15) Gas Kota (16) Angkutan sungai, laut dan penyeberangan, (17) Angkutan udara, dan (18) Jasa penunjang komunikasi. Hasil analisis Shift-Share menunjukkan bahwa sektor ekonomi Kota Bandar Lampung yang memiliki kemampuan bersaing (kompetitif) adalah (1) Pertanian, (2) Industri pengolahan, dan (3) Keuangan, real estat, dan jasa perusahaan. Sedangkan sektor ekonomi Kota Bandar Lampung yang tidak memiliki kemampuan bersaing adalah (1) Pertambangan dan penggalian, (2) Gas, listrik, dan air bersih, (3) Konstruksi, (4) Perdagangan, hotel, dan restoran, (5) Pengangkutan dan komunikasi, dan (6) Jasa-jasa. Sedangkan subsektor ekonomi Kota Bandar Lampung yang memiliki kemampuan bersaing (kompetitif) adalah (1) Tanaman perkebunan, (2) Industri bukan migas, (3) Tekstil, barang kulit, dan alas kaki, (4) Barang kayu dan hasil hutan, (5) Semen dan barang galian bukan logam. (6) Logam dasar besi dan baja, (7) Barang lainnya, (8) Angkutan laut, (9) Jasa pemerintah lainnya. Sedangkan Subsektor ekonomi Kota Bandar Lampung yang tidak memiliki kemampuan bersaing (kompetitif) adalah (1) Tanaman bahan makanan, (2) Peternakan dan hasil-haslnya, (3) Kehutanan, (4) Perikanan, (5) Minyak dan gas bumi, (6) Pertambangan bukan migas, (7) Penggalian, (8) Industri migas, (9) Pengilangan minyak bumi, (10) Gas alam cair, (11) Makanan, minuman,, dan tembakau, (12) Kertas dan barang cetakan, (13) Pupuk kimia dan barang dari karet, (14) Alat angkut mesin dan peralatannya, (15) Listrik, (16) Gas kota, (17) Air bersih, (18) Perdagangan besar dan ceran, (19) Hotel, (20) Restoran, (21) Pengangkutan, (22) Angkutan jalan rel, (23) Angkutan jalan raya, (24) Angkutan sungai dan penyeberangan, (25) Angkutan udara,(26) jasapenunjang angkutan, (26) Bank, (27) Lembaga keuanagan non bank, (28) Jasa penunjang keuangan, (29) reak estat, (30) Jasa perusahaan, (31) Pemerintah Umum (32) Administrasi pemerintah dan pertanahan, (33) Jasa pemerintah lainnya, (33) Swasta, (34) Jasa sosial kemasyarakatan, (35) Jasa hiburan dan rekresi, (26) Jasa perorangan dan rumah tangga. Berdasarkan kriteria menentukan suatu sektor unggulan adalah sektor yang maju dan tumbuh pesat, basis, dan kompetitif maka sektor atau subsektor atau sub-sub ekonomi yang masuk dalam katagori tersebut adalah (a) Sektor ekonomi terdiri dari: (1) Sektor industri pengolahan, dan (2) Sektor keuangan, real estate, dan jasa perusahaan. (b) Subsektor ekonomi yaitu Industri bukan migas, (c) Sub- subsektor ekonomi yaitu (1) Barang kayu dan hasil hutan lainnya, (2) Semen dan barang galian bukan logam, (3) Logam dasar besi dan baja, (4) Angkutan laut, dan (5) Jasa pemerintah lainnya. Economic growth is an indicator of an economic development process that performed well at the national and regional levels (regions). An increasing number of people demanding the defining development policies especially in the area to move the entire sector to the maximum perekonomiannya produces the required goods and services the community in the form of increased output agregrat or gross Regional domestic product (GDP) each year. In order to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the achievement of the objectives of development, the implementation of economic development needs to be directed at sectors that are capable of providing multiflier effect to other sectors and the economy as a whole. This research aims to identify the leading sector in the structure of the economy of the city of Bandar Lampung as material information and considerations in development planning and strategy development of the region. This research using time series data for GDP and the city of Bandar Lampung Lampung Province 2000-2012. Analytical tools used in this research, the analysis, the analysis of Tipology Klassen Location Quotient (LQ) and the Share Shift analysis. Typology Klassen analysis results indicate that the economic sector City Bandar Lampung that belongs to advance and grow rapidly are (1) sectors of the processing industry and the financial sector (2), rentals, and service companies. While the subsector Bandar Lampung City economic subsector that is developed and grown a lot is (1) the oil and gas industry is not, (2) goods of wood and other forest products, (3) cement and minerals nonmetallic items, (4) Basic Metals, iron and steel (5) Rail Road Transport, (6) Sea Transport and (7) Other Government Services . Location Quorient analysis results indicate that the economic sector of the city of Bandar Lampung, which belongs to the sector is the base (1) sectors of the processing industry, (2) sectors of electricity, gas and water supply, (3) sector of building (3), (4) sector of trade, hotel and restaurant, (5) sector of transport and communication, (6) sector of financial, rentals, and services companies, and (7) services sector. While the economic sector of the city of Bandar Lampung, which belongs to the nonbasis sector is (1) agriculture and (2) mining and minerals sector. While the economic subsector that belongs to the town of Bandar Lampung subsector base is (1) mining; (2) Non Oil Industry (3) Items of wood and others forest products, (4) paper goods and printed matter, (5) chemical fertilizer and stuff from rubber, (6) cement and minerals nonmetallic items, (7) basic metals, iron and steel, (8) electrical, (9) clean water, (10) large and Retail Trade, (11) Hotels, (12) Restaurant, (13) transportation, (14) Freight rail road, (15) Road Transport, (16) Sea Transport, (17) ancillary transport Services, (18) communication, (19) posts and telecommunications, (20) Bank, (21) nonbank financial institutions, (22) Real Estate, (23) companies services, (24) Public Administration, (25) the Government and Administration of land, (26) other Government Services, (27) Private, (28) the community social services, (29) recreational and Entertainment Services, (30) individual and household Services. While the Sub sectors of the economy which belongs to the town of Bandar Lampung subsector nonbasis is (1) a plant food, (2) Plantation Crops, (3) animal husbandry and results, (4) forestry, (5) Fishing, (6) oil and gas, (7) Mining non gas (8) Gas Industry, (9) Petroleum Refining, (10) Natural Gas liquids, (11) food, beverages, and tobacco (12) textiles, leather goods and footwear, (13) transport Machine Tools and equipment, (14) other Stuff, (15) City Gas, (16) Transport, sea and river crossings, (17) and air transport (18) communication support Services. Shift-Share analysis results indicate that the economic sector of the city of Bandar Lampung which has the ability to compete (competitive) is (1) Agricultural, (2) processing industry, and (3) the financial, real estate, and corporate services. While the city of Bandar Lampung economic sectors which do not have the ability to compete is (1) mining and excavation, (2) Gas, electricity, and clean water, (3) construction, (4) Trade, hotels and restaurants, (5) Transport and communications, and (6) services. While the city of Bandar Lampung economic subsector that has the competitive ability is (1) Plantation Crops, (2) the industry instead of oil and gas, (3) textiles, leather goods and footwear, (4) Goods of wood and forest products, (5) the cement and minerals instead of metal. (6) basic metals, iron and steel, (7) other Items, (8) ocean freight, (9) other Government Services. While the city of Bandar Lampung economic Subsector that does not have the ability to compete is (1) Food Crops, (2) livestock and) the results, (3) forestry, (4) Fishing, (5) oil and gas, (6) Mining non oil and gas, (7) excavation, (8) oil and Gas Industry, (9), Petroleum Refining (10) Natural Gas liquids, (11) food, beverages, and tobacco, (12) paper and printed matter, (13), chemical fertilizers and rubber goods, (14) auxiliary Tool machines and equipment, (15) Electrical, (16) City Gas, (17) clean water, (18) large Trades and retail, (19) Hotel, (20) Restaurant (21) transport, (22) Road Transport, (23) Rail Freight Freeways, (24) and the crossing of the River Transport, air transport (25), other support transport services (26), Bank (27) Agency non bank, (28) financial support Services, (29) real estate (30) Corporate Services, (31) General Government, (32) Government Administration and land, (33) other Government Services, (34) Private, (35) the community social services, (35) Entertainment Services, (26) private and household Services. Based on criteria to determine a flagship sector is a sector that is growing by leaps and bounds, and the forward base, and then competitive sector or sub sector or sub-sub categories that fall into the economy that is (a) Economic Sector consists of: (1) sectors of the processing industry, and (2) the financial sector, real estate, and services companies. (b) the economic Sub sector that is not oil and Gas Industry, (c) Economic Sub-sub sector, namely (1) the goods of wood and other forest products, (2) cement and minerals instead of metal goods, (3) basic metals, iron and steel, (4) Sea Transport, and (5) other Government Services. date: 2015-02-17 date_type: published publisher: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis place_of_pub: Universitas Lampung institution: Universitas Lampung department: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis thesis_type: masters citation: Rizal Endi, 1121021007 (2015) ANALISIS SEKTOR UNGGULAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN WILAYAH DI KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG 2000-2012. Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Lampung. document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: