@misc{eprints75103, month = {Juli}, title = {PENGARUH TOREFAKSI KULIT KAKAO TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK BAHAN BAKAR PADAT DENGAN VARIASI TEMPERATUR MENGGUNAKAN REAKTOR KONTINU TIPE TUBULAR}, author = {HAKIM RIFQI FAUZAN}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS TEKNIK}, year = {2023}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/75103/}, abstract = {Coal consumption as the main energy source in Indonesia is increasing along with the increasing energy demand. One of the new and renewable energy sources that is abundant in Indonesia and can reduce coal consumption is biomass. Biomass is an alternative to substitute coal because it can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Biomass from cocoa shell waste can be utilized as biomass solid fuel because of its abundant production throughout the year. The composition of cocoa shell waste is 75\% of the cocoa fruit, which has a high calorific value. The high moisture content of cocoa shells needs to be reduced through a thermal process that can improve its quality, namely torrefaction. This study used chip-shaped cocoa shell biomass with a size range of 1-2 cm. This study wasconducted at temperatures of 250, 275 and 300 ?C with a residence time of 30 minutes. Thetorrefaction reactor used is a tubular continuous type with LPG heater. Torrefaction of cocoa shell waste produced the highest calorific value of cocoa shells at 275 ?C, which amounted to 6662 kcal/kg with an increase of 57\% from the calorific value of raw cocoa shells. While at temperatures of 250 and 300 ?C, the calorific value increased by 20\% and 48\% of the calorific value of raw cocoa shell. The increase in operating temperature is directly proportional to the decrease in mass yield. Cocoa shell torrefaction at an operating temperature of 250?C saved the largest energy yield of 94\%. Higher operating temperatures decreased the percentage of water and volatiles, and increased the percentage of ash and fixed carbon. Torrefaction can improve the characteristics of cocoa shell waste as a fuel close to coal, as evidenced by the decrease in the ratio of H/C and O/C atoms.} }