%A Ayu Muslimah Putri %T ANALISIS PERILAKU KONSUMEN DIEVHA CAF? DI KECAMATAN SUMBER JAYA KABUPATEN LAMPUNG BARAT %X This research aims to analyze Dievha Caf?'s decision making, attitude, satisfaction and customer loyalty of Dievha Caf? in Sumber Jaya District, West Lampung Regency. The method used in this research is the survey method by conducting direct interviews using questionnaires to 60 respondents who have made at least 2 purchases during the last 3 months and are at least 17 years old. Data collection was carried out in January- February 2023. The Data is analyzed descriptively by Fishbein's multiattributes, Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and loyalty pyramid. The results of this research showed that the first reason consumers buying were because of they wanted to try the products, they got the location information from their friends and their main consideration for purchases was the taste. The consumers would switch to other menus when the product was run out and they decided to buy themselves on purpose. All of the consumers were interested in repurchases and 63.33 percent of them were satisfied. From the analysis of multiattribut Fishbein showed the score was 136, 95 it meant in the good category. The most preferred attribute was taste with score as 18.13, followed by the location attribute and the employee service attribute. The level of consumer satisfaction on Dievha Caf? products obtained a value of 82.77 percent or categorized as very satisfied with the highest score attribute was the taste. The level of consumer loyalty to Dievha Caf? based on the loyalty pyramid analysis was in the satisfied buyer category (73.33%), followed by liking the brand (71.67%), committed buyer (70.00%), switcher buyer (40.00%) and habitual buyer (36.67%). Key words: consumer attitudes, decisions making, loyalty, satisfaction Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengambilan keputusan, sikap, kepuasan, dan loyalitas konsumen Dievha Caf? di Kecamatan Sumber Jaya Kabupaten Lampung Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode survei dengan melakukan wawancara langsung kepada 60 responden yang telah melakukan minimal 2 kali pembelian dalam 3 bulan terakhir dan berusia minimal 17 tahun dengan bantuan kuesioner. Data dikumpulkan pada bulan Januari-Februari 2023. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunakan multiatribut Fishbein, Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) dan piramida loyalitas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa alasan pertama konsumen membeli adalah karena mereka ingin mencoba produk, mendapatkan informasi lokasi dari teman, dengan pertimbangan utama pembelian adalah rasa, ketika produk habis akan beralih ke menu lain dan keputusan untuk membeli karena keinginan sendiri yang direncanakan. Seluruh konsumen setelah melakukan pembelian tertarik untuk melakukan pembelian berulang dan sebesar 63,33 persen konsumen merasa puas, sisanya merasa biasa saja. Hasil analisis sikap multiratribut fishbein memperoleh skor 136,95 yang berada dalam kategori baik. Atribut yang paling disukai adalah rasa dengan skor 18,13, diikuti atribut lokasi dan atribut pelayanan pegawai. Nilai tingkat kepuasan konsumen terhadap produk Dievha Caf? sebesar 82,77 persen yaitu sangat puas dengan skor atribut tertinggi adalah rasa. Adapun tingkat loyalitas konsumen Dievha Caf? berdasarkan uji analisis piramida loyalitas berada pada kategori satisfied buyer (73,33%), diikuti dengan liking the brand (71,67%), committed buyer (70,00%), switcher buyer (40,00%) dan habitual buyer (36,67%). Kata kunci: kepuasan, loyalitas, pengambilan keputusan, sikap konsumen. %D 2023 %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %R 1914131045 %I FAKULTAS PERTANIAN %L eprints75181