TY - GEN CY - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG ID - eprints75230 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/75230/ A1 - INES , SURIANTI PUTRI Y1 - 2023/08/03/ N2 - Red palm oil is one of the palm oil fractions that contains high phytonutrient compounds (bioactive compounds) such as carotene, tocopherols, tocotrienols, phytosterols and squalene. MSM fortification in rice is thought to affect the sensory properties and whiteness of rice. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of concentration and method of adding red palm oil on the sensory properties and degree of whiteness of rice. The method of determining the sample used the focus group discussion method and the assessment of sensory properties using the central location test method. The results showed that the addition of 2% MSM before and after cooking was the treatment with the best proportion based on the parameters of taste, aroma, fullness, mouthfeel, color and overall acceptance. The concentration and time of MSM addition showed a significant effect on the level of decrease in the degree of whiteness parameter. The degree of whiteness in the sample resulted in values of 90.65, 70.23, 68.51, 38.24 and 56.38 in the control sample to the addition of 4% MSM in sequence. Keywords: rice, red palm oil, sensory properties, degree of whiteness Minyak sawit merah merupakan salah satu fraksi minyak sawit yang mengandung senyawa fitonutrien (senyawa bioaktif) tinggi seperti karoten, tokoferol, tokotrienol, fitosterol dan squalene. Fortifikasi MSM pada nasi diduga berpengaruh terhadap sifat sensori dan derajat putih nasi. Metode penentuan sampel menggunakan metode focus group discussion dan penilaian sifat sensori menggunakan metode central location test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penambahan MSM 2% sebelum dan sesudah pemasakan menjadi perlakuan dengan proporsi terbaik Berdasarkan parameter rasa, aroma, kepulenan, mouthfeel, warna dan penerimaan keseluruhan. Konsentrasi dan waktu penambahan MSM menunjukkan pengaruh nyata terhadap tingkat penurunan parameter derajat putih. Nilai derajat putih pada sampel menghasilkan nilai 90.65, 70.23, 68.51, 38.24 dan 56.38 pada sampel kontrol hingga penambahan MSM 4% secara berurutan. Kata kunci: nasi, minyak sawit merah, sifat sensori, derajat putih PB - FAKULTAS PERTANIAN TI - PENGARUH KONSENTRASI DAN CARA PENAMBAHAN MINYAK SAWIT MERAH TERHADAP SIFAT SENSORI DAN DERAJAT PUTIH NASI AV - restricted ER -