@misc{eprints75595, month = {Juli}, title = {PENGARUH PEMBERIAN EKSTRAK TEMULAWAK (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) DALAM AIR MINUM TERHADAP EFISIENSI PROTEIN RANSUM AYAM KUB}, author = {TUTUARIMA FIKA }, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS PERTANIAN}, year = {2023}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/75595/}, abstract = {Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari ekstrak temulawak (Curcuma xanthorriza) dalam air minum ayam KUB terhadap konsumsi ransum, efisiensi ransum, konsumsi protein, dan rasio efisiensi protein ransum. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Desember 2022--Februari 2023 di kandang Laboratorium Terpadu, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung. Pembuatan ekstrak temulawak dilakukan di Laboratorium Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan, dengan satu unit percobaan terdiri dari 10 ekor ayam. Total ayam KUB yang digunakan sebanyak 200 ekor. Perlakuan yang diberikan 0\% ekstrak temulawak (P0), air minum dengan dosis 5\% ekstrak temulawak (P1), air minum dengan dosis 10\% ekstrak temulawak (P2), dan air minum dengan dosis 15\% ekstrak temulawak (P3). Hasil analisis ragam menunjukkan pemberian air minum ekstrak temulawak tanpa ekstrak temulawak (P0), maupun air minum dengan dosis 5\% (P1), 10\% (P2), dan 15\% (P3) ekstrak temulawak tidak berpengaruh nyata (P{\ensuremath{>}}0,05) terhadap konsumsi ransum, efisiensi ransum, konsumsi protein, dan efisiensi protein ransum ayam KUB. Pemberian ekstrak temulawak sampai dosis 15\% masih dapat diterima oleh ayam KUB, meskipun belum mampu meningkatkan konsumsi ransum, efisiensi ransum, konsumsi protein, dan rasio efisiensi protein ransum ayam KUB. Kata kunci : Ayam KUB, Temulawak, Konsumsi Ransum, Efisiensi Ransum, Konsumsi Protein, Efisiensi Protein Ransum This study aims to determine the effect of tumeric extract (Curcuma xanthorriza) in the drinking water of KUB chickens on ration consumption, ration efficiency, protein consumption, and protein efficiency ratio. This research was conducted in December 2022--February 2023 in the Integrated Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. Tumeric extract is made at the Laboratory of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications, with one experimental unit consisting of 10 chickens. That the total number of KUB chickens used is 200 chickens. The treatment was given 0\% tumeric extract (P0), drinking water with a dose of 5\% tumeric extract (P1), drinking water with a dose of 10\% tumeric extract (P2), and drinking water with a dose of 15\% tumeric extract (P3). The results of the analysis of variance showed that giving tumeric extract drinking water without tumeric extract (P0), as well as drinking water at doses of 5\% (P1), 10\% (P2), and 15\% (P3) of tumeric extract had no significant effect (P{\ensuremath{>}}0.05) on ration consumption, efficiency protein consumption, and protein efficiency ratio of KUB chickens. Giving tumeric extract up to a dose of 15\% is still acceptable to KUB chickens, although it has not been able to increase ration consumption, ration efficiency, protein consumption, and protein efficiency ratio of KUB chickens. Keywords: KUB Chicken, Tumeric, Feed Consumption, Feed Efficiency, Protein Consumption, Feed Protein Efficiency.} }