@misc{eprints75641, month = {Juli}, title = {A STUDY ON STUDENTS? VOCABULARY SIZE AT JUNIOR AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS}, author = {Indriyani Mey}, address = {Universitas Lampung}, publisher = {Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan}, year = {2023}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/75641/}, abstract = {This research aims to find out the vocabulary mastery of students in Junior and Senior High School consisted of State and Private School. Those schools were located in Bandar Lampung and Tanggamus. The curriculum has set the amount of the vocabulary size should be mastered by students. However, there is no specific test designed by the curriculum to measure students? vocabulary size. To answer these questions, survey method has been used in order to find out students? vocabulary size in Junior and Senior High School. The researcher used The Vocabulary Level Test developed by Webb et. al. (2017), The 6000 Level Vocabulary Level Test by Beglar (2010), and questionnaire consisted of students? demography and perception. The research shows almost all of the schools involved in this study were passed the curriculum, requirement. The result found that the schools who got high score were SMAN 2 Bandar Lampung (5340 words) from Senior High School and SMP Al-Kautsar (4275 words) from Junior High School. The research also found there are some differences of the vocabulary size between the students of State / Private School and Urban / Non-urban school. In conclusion, there are some factors that indicated influence students? vocabulary size; learning facility, English course participation, students? experience in learning English, and etc.} }