creators_name: FAUZI, KURNIAWAN JAMAL creators_id: 1815011107 type: other datestamp: 2023-10-17 06:58:07 lastmod: 2023-10-17 06:58:07 metadata_visibility: show title: PERENCANAAN JARINGAN TRAYEK ANGKUTAN UMUM PERDESAAN WAY KANAN MELALUI RUTE BARADATU-WAY TUBA ispublished: pub subjects: 600 subjects: 690 full_text_status: restricted abstract: Untuk mendukung kelancaran berbagai aktivitas dan mobilitas penduduk di kabupaten Way Kanan, diperlukan angkutan umum yang memadai. Membantu mobilisasi penduduk dengan pelayanan angkutan umum yang efektif dan efisien bila terdapat sisi permintaan dan penawaran serta manajemen operasional yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan pengadaan angkutan umum di wilayah kabupaten Way Kanan dalam trayek tetap. Penelitian merencanakan trayek baru untuk kawasan kecamatan Baradatu menuju kecamatan Way Tuba. Sebelum survei dilaksanakan, terlebih dahulu dilakukan persiapan diantaranya dalam pengumpulan data-data sekunder dan primer yang berhubungan dengan penlitian yang akan dilakukan. Dari hasil analisis perhitungan terhadap kebutuhan jumlah terlayani angkutan umum di kecamatan Way Tuba yaitu -370 belum memenuhi kriteria. Jadi kebutuhan jumlah terlayani angkutan umum masih belum dibutuhkan di Kecamatan Way Tuba. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh perhitungan terhadap kebutuhan jumlah terlayani angkutan umum di Kecamatan Baradatu yaitu 8.787. Jadi kebutuhan terlayani angkutan umum yang dibutuhkan di Kecamatan Baradatu. Dari hasil analisis di atas trayek angkutan umum, penumpang harus memenuhi syarat untuk memenuhi kebutuhuhan mobilitas penduduk kecamatan Baradatu. Untuk instansi terkait pemerintah sebaiknya memberikan subsidi terhadap moda transportasi seperti Damri atau sejenisnya agar trayek angkutan umum penumpang dapat terlaksanakan. Perlu adanya penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai perencanaan trayek angkutan umum di Kabupaten Way Kanan beberapa tahun kedepan agar mendapatkan hasil yang lebih akurat dan sesuai. Kata kunci : Trayek, demand, angkutan umum, standar kelayakan To support the smooth running of various activities and mobility of residents in Way Kanan district, adequate public transportation is needed. Assist population mobilization with effective and efficient public transportation services when there is a demand and supply side as well as good operational management. This study aims to determine the feasibility of procuring public transportation in the Way Kanan district area on a fixed route. The study planned a new route for the Baradatu sub-district area to Way Tuba sub-district. Before the survey is carried out, preparations are first made including in collecting secondary and primary data related to the research to be carried out. From the results of the calculation analysis of the needs of the number of served public transportation in Way Tuba sub-district, namely -370 has not met the criteria. So the need for the number of served public transportation is still not needed in Way Tuba District. From the results of the analysis, a calculation of the number of public transportation served in Baradatu District was 8,787. So the needs are served by public transportation needed in Baradatu District. From the results of the analysis on public transportation routes, passengers must meet the requirements to meet the mobility needs of residents of Baradatu sub-district. For related agencies, the government should provide subsidies for modes of transportation such as Damri or the like so that passenger public transportation routes can be implemented. Further research is needed on planning public transportation routes in Way Kanan Regency in the next few years in order to get more accurate and appropriate results. Keywords : Route, demand, public transportation, eligibility standards date: 2023-08-18 date_type: published publisher: FAKULTAS TEKNIK place_of_pub: UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG id_number: 1815011107 citation: FAUZI, KURNIAWAN JAMAL (2023) PERENCANAAN JARINGAN TRAYEK ANGKUTAN UMUM PERDESAAN WAY KANAN MELALUI RUTE BARADATU-WAY TUBA. FAKULTAS TEKNIK, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG . document_url: document_url: document_url: