@misc{eprints77349, month = {Nopember}, title = {PENGARUH KONDISI PENGEMASAN DAN LAMA PENYIMPANAN PADA SUHU DINGIN TERHADAP MUTU TEMPE MOSACCHA (Modified by Saccharomyces cereviceae)}, author = {AISYA HONI }, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS PERTANIAN}, year = {2023}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/77349/}, abstract = {Tempeh is a fermented food product from Rhizopus oligosporus that has a short shelf life. Short shelf life limitations are caused by metabolic activity and enzymatic reactions from molds. The growth of microorganisms and metabolic activities found in tempeh can be slowed down by packaging methods and storage at cold temperatures. This study aims to determine the effect of packaging conditions and storage of tempeh mosaccha at a cold temperature of 10 {$\pm$} 2?C for 7 days, and to obtain the best packaging that can maintain the quality of tempeh in accordance with SNI 3144: 2015. This study used a combination of packaging conditions (vacuum and non-vacuum) and storage treatments on days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. The observation parameters were sensory properties (color, aroma, and texture), moisture content, weight loss, soluble protein, hardness and total microbes. The data obtained were statistically analyzed by Barlett and Tuckey tests and then continued with analysis of variance and DMRT test at the 5\% level. The results showed that packaging conditions and length of storage at cold temperatures (10{$\pm$}2?C) had a significant effect on all test parameters. The highest and lowest values of color parameter sensory scores were 8.23 - 2.92; aroma score 8.28 - 4.23: texture score 8.28 - 4.59; moisture content 64.05\% - 59.65\%; weight loss 2.36\%- 0.22\%; hardness 557.42 gf - 311.58 gf; soluble protein content 55.92 mg/g - 33.24 mg/g, and total microbes 9.24 log CFU/mL - 9.13 log CFU/mL. The best packaging condition was vacuum packaging. Vacuum packaging can maintain the quality of tempeh in accordance with SNI 3144: 2015, which has the highest sensory test score and has the lowest weight loss value, moisture content, total microbes and hardness value. Keywords: tempeh, vacuum packing, cold temperature, mosaccha yeast Tempe merupakan produk pangan hasil fermentasi dari Rhizopus oligosporus yang memiliki keterbatasan umur simpan yang pendek. Keterbatasan umur simpan yang pendek disebabkan oleh aktivitas metabolisme dan reaksi enzimatis dari kapang. Pertumbuhan mikroorganisme dan aktivitas metabolisme yang terdapat pada tempe dapat diperlambat dengan metode pengemasan dan penyimpanan pada suhu dingin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kondisi pengemasan dan penyimpanan tempe mosaccha pada suhu dingin 10{$\pm$}2?C selama 7 hari, serta memperoleh pengemasan terbaik yang dapat mempertahankan kualitas tempe sesuai dengan SNI 3144:2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan kombinasi perlakuan kondisi pengemasan (vakum dan non vakum) dan perlakuan penyimpanan hari ke- 1,2,3,4,5,6,dan 7. Parameter pengamatan yaitu sifat sensori (warna, aroma, dan tekstur), kadar air, susut bobot, protein terlarut, kekerasan serta total mikroba. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara statistik dengan uji Barlett dan Tuckey lalu dilanjutkan dengan analisis ragam dan uji DMRT pada taraf 5\%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Kondisi pengemasan dan lama penyimpanan pada suhu dingin (10{$\pm$}2?C) berpengaruh nyata terhadap semua parameter pengujian. Nilai tertinggi dan terendah skor sensori parameter warna 8,23 - 2,92; skor aroma 8,28 - 4,23: skor tekstur 8,28 - 4,59; kadar air 64,05 \% - 59,65\% ; susut bobot 2,36\%- 0,22\%; kekerasan 557,42 gf - 311,58 gf ; kadar protein terlarut 55,92 mg/g - 33,24 mg/g, serta total mikroba 9,24 log CFU/mL - 9,13 log CFU/mL. Pengemasan terbaik yaitu kondisi pengemasan vakum. Pengemasan vakum dapat mempertahankan mutu tempe sesuai dengan SNI 3144:2015 yaitu memiliki skor uji sensori tertinggi dan memiliki nilai susut bobot, kadar air, total mikroba serta nilai kekerasan terendah. Kata kunci: tempe, pengemasan vakum, suhu dingin, ragi tempe mosaccha.} }