creators_name: Riska Eka, Wahyuni creators_id: 1953042011 type: other datestamp: 2023-12-15 06:56:59 lastmod: 2023-12-15 06:56:59 metadata_visibility: show title: THE EFFECT OF USING GUESS THE WORD GAME IN VOCABULARY LEARNING AT THE FIRST GRADE OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 6 TERBANGGI BESAR ispublished: pub subjects: 407 full_text_status: restricted abstract: This research was done with the objective to find whether there is a significant difference on students’ vocabulary understanding after being taught by using Guess The Word game. The population of this research was the first grade students of SMP Negeri 6 Terbanggi Besar in the academic year 2022/2023. The sample was class VIIB which consisted of 28 students. The method of this research was pre-experimental design which is the One Group Pre-Test and Post-Test design. The researcher used vocabulary test consisted 30 question pre-test post-test. The researcher used SPSS and Microsoft Excel to analyze the data after those data has been collected. The result showed that there is significant difference on students vocabulary understanding after being taught by using Guess The Word game. The increase from the mean score was 14 where the Post-test was 75,3 while the Pre-test was 60,7. Keywords : Guess The Word Game, Vocabulary date: 2023-11-16 date_type: published publisher: Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan place_of_pub: Universitas Lampung id_number: 1953042011 citation: Riska Eka, Wahyuni (2023) THE EFFECT OF USING GUESS THE WORD GAME IN VOCABULARY LEARNING AT THE FIRST GRADE OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 6 TERBANGGI BESAR. Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Lampung. document_url: document_url: document_url: