@misc{eprints77806, month = {Oktober}, title = {EFEKTIVITAS PERENDAMAN DENGAN EKSTRAK KULIT KAYU MANIS Cinnamomum burmannii Blume (NEES \& T. NEES, 1826) TERHADAP RESPONS IMUN NONSPESIFIK LOBSTER AIR TAWAR Cherax quadricarinatus (VON MARTENS, 1868)}, author = {PRASETIYO WIBOWO AJI }, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS PERTANIAN}, year = {2023}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/77806/}, abstract = {Diseases caused by pathogens are still a serious threat in the culture of freshwater lobsters. Antibiotics and chemicals to treat disease can cause bacterial resistance and leave residue. Vaccination is also ineffective because freshwater lobsters only have a nonspecific immune system. Therefore, the use of immunostimulants from herbal is expected to increase the immune response of freshwater lobsters from disease. This research aimed to study the effectiveness of immersion freshwater lobsters in cinnamon extract on nonspecific immune responses. This research was conducted at the Aquaculture Laboratory, Departement of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung in May-June 2023 for 30 days. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and three replicates. The treatments consisted of 0 ppm (control), 100 ppm (P1), 200 ppm (P2), and 300 ppm (P3) for 12 hours and maintained for 14 days. After immersion, a challenge test was carried out by injecting Aeromonas hydrophila with a density of 105 cfu/mL as much as 0.1 mL/lobster. Nonspecific immune response parameters observed included total haemocyte count, phagocytic activity, phagocytic index, survival rate, mean time to death, and relative percent survival. The results showed that immersion freshwater lobsters in cinnamon extract had significantly different effect on the total haemocyte count. Cinnamon extract at a concentration of 300 ppm produces the highest THC with a value of 5.70 {$\times$} 106 cells/mL. This research showed that cinnamon extract had potential to be used as an immunostimulant in freshwater lobster cultivation. Keywords: Freshwater lobster, cinnamon, nonspecific immune response. Penyakit akibat patogen masih menjadi ancaman serius dalam proses budi daya lobster air tawar. Penggunaan antibiotik dan bahan kimia untuk menanggulangi penyakit dapat menyebabkan resistensi bakteri dan meninggalkan residu. Vaksinasi juga tidak efektif karena lobster air tawar hanya memiliki sistem imun nonspesifik. Oleh karena itu, penggunaan imunostimulan dari bahan herbal diharapkan dapat meningkatkan respons imun lobster air tawar terhadap penyakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari efektivitas perendaman lobster air tawar dalam ekstrak kulit kayu manis terhadap respon imun nonspesifik. Penelitian ini berlangsung selama 30 hari yang bertempat di Laboratorium Budidaya Perikanan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Lobster air tawar (Cherax quadricarinatus) direndam dalam ekstrak kulit kayu manis dengan konsentrasi 0 ppm (kontrol), 100 ppm (P1), 200 ppm (P2), dan 300 ppm (P3) selama 12 jam dan dilakukan pemeliharaan selama 14 hari. Setelah dilakukan perendaman, kemudian dilakukan uji tantang dengan menginjeksikan bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila dengan kepadatan 105 cfu/mL sebanyak 0,1 mL/ekor. Parameter respon imun nonspesifik yang diamati meliputi total haemocyte count, aktivitas fagositosis, indeks fagositosis, survival rate, mean time to death, dan relative percent survival. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perendaman lobster air tawar dalam ekstrak kulit kayu manis efektif dalam meningkatkan THC. Konsentrasi ekstrak kulit kayu manis 300 dan 200 ppm menghasilkan THC tertinggi dengan nilai 5,70{$\times$}106 sel/mL dan 5,42{$\times$}106 sel/mL. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak kulit kayu manis berpotensi untuk dijadikan sebagai sebagai imunostimulan pada budi daya lobster air tawar. Kata kunci: Lobster air tawar, kayu manis, respon imun nonspesifik} }