@misc{eprints77888, month = {Desember}, title = {PEMAKNAAN AUDIENS TERHADAP FASHION PASTOR SAAT KHOTBAH DALAM AKUN INSTAGRAM @PASTORINSTYLE (Analisis Resepsi Followers Akun Instagram @pastorinstyle)}, author = {Agusto Jonathan S Daniel }, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK}, year = {2023}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/77888/}, abstract = {Fashion adalah bentuk komunikasi non-verbal yang terdiri dari simbolsimbol ekspresi diri. Sekarang referensi fashion terdapat di Instagram, salah satunya @pastorinstyle. Instagram @pastorinstyle memiliki konten tantang fashion pastorpastor agama Kristen. Fashion pastor saat berkhotbah dengan menampilkan merek barang yang sedang digunakan oleh pastor-pastor tersebut membuat pemaknaan beragam diantara followers nya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemaknaan audiens terhadap fashion pastor saat berkhotbah dalam akun Instagram @pastorinstyle. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis resepsi Stuart Hall dan teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara Focus Group Discussion (FGD), dokumentasi dan studi Pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukan tiga posisi makna dalam memaknai fashion pastor. Posisi makna tersebut adalah dominant position; yaitu informan menerima sepenuhnya makna sebenarnya dari produsen pesan @pastorinstyle, negotiate position; yaitu informan menerima makna prosuden pesan, tetapi tidak menerapkannya sebagai nilai sosial-kultural dalam kehidupan mereka, serta oppositional position; yaitu menolak makna dari produsen pesan @pastorinstyle. Hasil penelitian juga menemukan mayoritas informan berada pada posisi dominant position. Kata Kunci : analisis resepsi, fashion, pastor, Instagram Fashion is a form of non-verbal communication consisting of symbols of self-expression. Now there are fashion references on Instagram, one of which is @pastorinstyle. Instagram @pastorinstyle has content challenging the fashion of Christian pastors. Pastors' fashion when preaching by displaying the brands of goods being used by these pastors creates various meanings among their followers. This research aims to find out the audience's meaning of pastor fashion when preaching on the Instagram account @pastorinstyle. The research method used in this research is analysis of Stuart Hall's reception and data collection techniques by means of Focus Group Discussion (FGD), documentation and literature study. The research results show three meaning positions in interpreting pastor fashion. The position of meaning is dominant position; namely the informant fully accepts the true meaning of the message producer @pastorinstyle, negotiate position; namely the informant accepts the procedural meaning of the message, but does not apply it as a socio-cultural value in their life, as well as an oppositional position; namely rejecting the meaning of the producer of @pastorinstyle's message. The research results also found that the majority of informants were in the dominant position. Keywords: reception analysis, fashion, pastor, Instagram.} }