creators_name: Reisyah Dinda Syahfira, Silitonga creators_id: 2018011097 type: other datestamp: 2024-02-07 03:23:23 lastmod: 2024-02-07 03:23:23 metadata_visibility: show title: HUBUNGAN FAKTOR PENCEGAHAN DENGAN DERAJAT DEHIDRASI DIARE PADA BALITA DI KELURAHAN KELAPA TIGA, TANJUNG KARANG PUSAT, BANDAR LAMPUNG TAHUN 2023 ispublished: pub subjects: 610 full_text_status: restricted abstract: Background: Diarrhea is defecating more than 3 times a day accompanied by a change in stool consistency to liquid that lasts less than one week. The degree of diarrhea dehydration is divided into 3, namely minimal or no dehydration (weight loss <3%), mild/moderate dehydration (3%-9% weight loss), and severe dehydration (>9% weight loss). Method: This research design used descriptive analysis with a cross sectional approach and there were 100 respondents who took part in this research. The sampling technique in this study used consecutive sampling. Research data was collected using questionnaires to assess exclusive breastfeeding, rotavirus immunization, sanitation, Clean and Healthy Living Behavior. Data were tested using pearson chi square and ordinal logistic regression with Cl 95% (=5%). Results: The research results showed that 55% of toddlers were exclusively breastfed, 13% of toddlers had rotavirus immunization, 51% had good sanitation, and 74% had good PHBS. There is a relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and the degree of diarrhea dehydration (p= 0.011) with an odds ratio (OR) calculation of 7.31. There was a relationship between rotavirus immunization and the degree of diarrhea dehydration (p= 0.04) with an odds ratio (OR) calculation of 6.51. There was a relationship between sanitation and the degree of diarrhea dehydration (p= 0.029) with an odds ratio (OR) calculation of 6.37. There was no relationship between Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) and the degree of diarrhea dehydration (p= 0.39). Conclusion: There is an influence between exclusive breastfeeding, rotavirus immunization, and sanitation on the degree of diarrhea dehydration in toddlers and there is no influence of Clean and Healthy Living Behavior on the degree of diarrhea dehydration. The factor that best prevents diarrhea with more severe dehydration is exclusive breastfeeding. Keywords: Diarrhea, breastfeeding, rotavirus immunization, sanitation, Clean and Healthy Living Behavior Latar Belakang: Diare adalah Buang Air Besar (BAB) lebih dari 3 kali sehari disertai perubahan konsistensi tinja menjadi cair dengan atau tanpa lendir dan darah yang berlangsung kurang dari satu minggu. Derajat dehidrasi diare terbagi 3, yaitu minimal atau tanpa dehidrasi (kehilangan BB<3%), dehidrasi ringan/sedang (kehilangan BB 3%-9%), dan dehidrasi berat (kehilangan BB >9%). Metode: Desain penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional dan terdapat 100 responden yang mengikuti penelitian ini. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan consecutive sampling. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner untuk menilai ASI eksklusif, imunisasi rotavirus, sanitasi, dan PHBS. Data diuji menggunakan pearson chi square dan uji regresi logistik ordinal dengan Cl 95% (=5%). Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 55% balita ASI eksklusif, 13% balita imunisasi rotavirus, 51% sanitasi baik, dan 74% PHBS baik. Terdapat hubungan ASI eksklusif terhadap derajat dehirdasi diare (p= 0,011) dengan perhitungan odds ratio (OR) diperoleh nilai 7,31. Terdapat hubungan imunisasi rotavirus terhadap derajat dehidrasi diare (p= 0,04) dengan perhitungan odds ratio (OR) diperoleh 6,51. Terdapat hubungan sanitasi terhadap derajat dehidrasi diare (p= 0,029) dengan perhitungan odds ratio (OR) diperoleh 6,37. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) terhadap derajat dehidrasi diare (p= 0,39). Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara ASI eksklusif, imunisasi rotavirus, dan sanitasi dengan derajat dehidrasi diare pada balita serta tidak ada hubungan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) dengan derajat dehidrasi diare. Faktor yang paling mencegah terjadinya diare dengan dehidrasi lebih berat adalah ASI eksklusif. Kata Kunci: Diare, ASI eksklusif, imunisasi rotavirus, sanitasi, PHBS date: 2024-01-17 date_type: published publisher: Fakultas Kedokteran place_of_pub: Universitas Lampung id_number: 2018011097 citation: Reisyah Dinda Syahfira, Silitonga (2024) HUBUNGAN FAKTOR PENCEGAHAN DENGAN DERAJAT DEHIDRASI DIARE PADA BALITA DI KELURAHAN KELAPA TIGA, TANJUNG KARANG PUSAT, BANDAR LAMPUNG TAHUN 2023. Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Lampung. document_url: document_url: document_url: