@misc{eprints78783, month = {Januari}, title = {SUBSTITUSI TEPUNG MAIZENA DENGAN PURE KENTANG (Solanum tuberosum L) SEBAGAI BAHAN PENGISI TERHADAP KADAR AIR, SIFAT FISIK DAN SENSORI PATTY DAGING IKAN LELE (Clarias sp.)}, author = { RAFI WAHYUDI MUHAMMAD}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS PERTANIAN}, year = {2024}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/78783/}, abstract = {Kentang berpotensi menggantikan tepung maizena sebagai bahan pengisi dalam pembuatan patty daging ikan lele. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi pure kentang sebagai bahan pengisi terhadap kadar air, sifat fisik dan sensori patty daging ikan lele, serta mendapatkan konsentrasi substitusi pure kentang sebagai bahan pengisi yang menghasilkan kadar air, sifat fisik dan sensori terbaik. Penelitian ini disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) dengan faktor tunggal dan 4 ulangan. Perbandingan substitusi pure kentang terhadap tepung maizena dilakukan dengan 7 taraf yaitu P1 (0\%:100\%), P2 (15\%:85\%), P3 (30\%:70\%), P4 (50\%:50\%), P5 (70\%:30\%), P6 (85\%:15\%), dan P7 (100\%:0\%). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis kehomogenannya dengan uji Bartlett dan kemenambahan data diuji dengan uji Tuckey, selanjutnya data dianalisis sidik ragam (ANARA) untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan. Apabila terdapat pengaruh nyata, data dianalisis lebih lanjut dengan Uji Beda Nyata Jujur (BNJ) pada taraf 5\%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa substitusi pure kentang terhadap tepung maizena sebagai bahan pengisi berpengaruh terhadap kadar air, hardness, tekstur, rasa, aroma, dan penerimaan keseluruhan patty daging ikan lele, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap cohesiveness, springiness dan warna patty daging ikan lele. Patty daging ikan lele dengan konsentrasi substitusi pure kentang terhadap tepung maizena terbaik adalah perlakuan P5 (70\%:30\%) dengan kriteria kadar air 49,70\%, hardness 202,81 gf, cohesiveness 0,95 gs, springiness 7,85 mm, tesktur 3,61 (kompak/padat), rasa 4,21 (suka), aroma 4,07 (suka), warna 3,89 (suka), penerimaan keseluruhan 4,10 (suka), kadar protein 16,75\% dan kadar lemak 12,39\%. Kata kunci : ikan lele, kentang, patty, tepung maizena Potatoes have the potential to replace cornstarch as a filler in making catfish meat patties. This research aims to determine the effect of substitution of potato puree as a filler on the water content, physical and sensory properties of catfish meat patties, as well as to obtain the concentration of potato puree substitute as a filler that produces the best water content, physical and sensory properties. This research was structured using a Complete Randomized Block Design (RAKL) with a single factor and 4 replications. Comparison of the substitution of potato puree for cornstarch was carried out with 7 levels, namely P1 (0\%: 100\%), P2 (15\%: 85\%), P3 (30\%: 70\%), P4 (50\%: 50\%), P5 ( 70\%:30\%), P6 (85\%:15\%), and P7 (100\%:0\%). The data obtained were analyzed for homogeneity using the Bartlett test and additional data was tested using the Tuckey test, then the data was analyzed for variance (ANARA) to determine the effect of treatment. If there is a real effect, the data is analyzed further with the Honestly Significant Difference Test (BNJ) at the 5\% level. The research results showed that the substitution of potato puree for cornstarch as a filler had an effect on the water content, hardness, texture, taste, aroma and overall acceptability of the catfish meat patty, but had no effect on the cohesiveness, springiness and color of the catfish meat patty. The best catfish meat patty with the best concentration of potato puree substitution for cornstarch is the P5 treatment (70\%:30\%) with the criteria for water content 49.70\%, hardness 202.81 gf, cohesiveness 0.95 gs, springiness 7.85 mm, texture 3.61 (compact/dense), taste 4.21 (like), aroma 4.07 (like), color 3.89 (like), overall acceptability 4.10 (like), protein content 16.75\% and fat content 12.39\%. Key words: catfish, potato, patties cornstarch.} }