%A Qatrunnada Nabila Safira %T PENGARUH AKTIVITAS MAHASISWA MENGAKSES WEBSITE JURUSAN TERHADAP PERCEIVED EASE OF USE DARI WEBSITE JURUSAN ILMU KOMUNIKASI UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %X Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah adanya pengaruh dan seberapa besarnya pengaruh antara aktivitas mahasiswa mengakses website jurusan terhadap perceived ease of use dari website Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Lampung berdasarkan teori technology acceptance model (TAM). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel aktivitas mahasiswa mengakses website Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Lampung berpengaruh signifikan terhadap persepsi ease of use dari website dengan hasil T hitung sebesar 12,066 > T tabel yaitu 1,987. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa H? ditolak dan H? diterima. Tingkat pengaruh antara aktivitas mahasiswa mengakses website Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Lampung berpengaruh signifikan terhadap persepsi ease of use dari website tergolong dalam kategori kuat yang dibuktikan dengan nilai R koefisien square yang diperoleh sebanyak 0,623 atau 62.3% dan memiliki nilai hubungan sebesar 78.9%, sedangkan 21.1% sisanya dipengaruhi faktor eksternal yang tidak dapat dijangkau oleh penelitian ini. Hasil tersebut juga menandakan jika persepsi mahasiswa terhadap kemudahan penggunaan (perceived ease of use) akan terbentuk dari jenis pengalaman yang mereka terima sepanjang mengakses website jurusan. Dengan memahami faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerimaan website bagi mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi, pengembang dapat menganalisis kebutuhan mahasiswa sebagai target pengguna agar dapat mendukung fungsionalitas situs web jurusan. Kata Kunci: Website, Aktivitas Mahasiswa, Technology Acceptance Model, Ease of Use. The aim of this research was to described students? perceiving ease of use while accessing their department?s website. This is a quantitative research that use Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as its theoretical framework and data collected by using survey. The research found that the effects of students? activities while accessing their department's website on their perceived ease of use of the Communication Studies website at Lampung University had a significant effect on the perception of ease of use of the website, with a T value (12.066) > T table (1.987). The final outcome had proven that H? is rejected and H? is accepted as true. The level of influence between students' activities in accessing the website of the Department of Communication Studies and their perceived ease of use of the Communication Studies Website at the University of Lampung fallen into a strong category, as evidenced by the R squared (coefficient of determination) value obtained at 0.623, or 62.3% and correlation coefficient of 78.9%, whereas the other 21.1% are influenced by other factors that can?t be examined by this study. The findings also suggested that students? perceiving ease of use are shaped by their experiences while using their department?s website. Satisfying website services are certainly a great help for students to adopt new technology system that is implemented. Understanding the factors that influenced students? acceptance of theirdepartment?s website allows developers to analyze the needs of students as target users, which may help supporting its functionality. Keywords: Website, Students? Activities, Technology Acceptance Model, Ease of Use. %D 2024 %C Universitas Lampung %R 1916031038 %I Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik %L eprints79172