%A ZAHRA ANGELINA USMAN TIARA %T THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PICTURE STORYBOOK TO IMPROVE READING COMPREHENSION FOR YOUNG EFL LEARNERS %X This research investigates the implementation of Picture Storybook in improving young EFL learners reading comprehension at SDN 1 Kotakarang, Bandar Lampung. Recognizing the challenges that many young learners face in reading comprehension, the use of visuals and narratives in picture storybooks is anticipated to engage young learners, making the learning process enjoyable and effective. The study adopts a quantitative pre-test post-test design with two classes?Class VA as the tryout class and Class VC as the experimental class. The primary objectives of the research are twofold: (1) to examine if there is a significant improvement in students' reading comprehension after being taught through a Picture Storybook, and (2) to identify which aspects of reading comprehension improves the most after the implementation of a Picture Storybook. Data collection involves a multiple-choice reading comprehension test, with the analysis conducted through a repeated measure t-test in SPSS. The pre-test and post-test average scores demonstrate an improvement in reading comprehension through the Picture Storybook. The pre-test average of (46) exhibits a substantial increase in the post-test average of (71). The computed t-count value (8.415) surpasses the critical t-table value (2.056) with a 2-tailed significance of 0.000, which is lower than 0.05, indicating the acceptance of H1. Furthermore, the highest improvement in the aspect of reading comprehension is identified as "identifying references," with a gain increase of 0.09166. The findings underscore the efficacy of the Picture Storybook in enhancing reading comprehension skills among young EFL learners, particularly in the aspect of identifying references. This research contributes valuable insights into innovative pedagogical strategies for improving reading comprehension in young learners. Keywords: Picture storybook, reading comprehension, young EFL learners %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2024 %I FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN %L eprints79197