@misc{eprints79871, month = {Maret}, title = {PROSES DAN KRITERIA REKRUTMEN CALON ANGGOTA LEGISLATIF PARTAI KEADILAN SEJAHTERA PROVINSI LAMPUNG PADA PEMILU 2024 }, author = {AMALIA SILVI SEVTIA }, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK}, year = {2024}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/79871/}, abstract = {PKS Provinsi Lampung merupakan salah satu partai politik yang berpartisipasi di dalam pemilu 2024, namun sebagai partai kader PKS justru memberikan kesempatan pencalonan yang sama bagi kader lama dan kader baru yang mendaftarkan diri pada saat ingin melakukan pencalonan sebagai anggota legislatif dari PKS tanpa melalui tahap seleksi maupun pengenalan mendalam terkait visi misi PKS. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji proses dan kriteria rekrutmen calon anggota legislatif yang ditetapkan oleh DPW PKS Lampung dalam menghadapi pemilu 2024. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori proses rekrutmen menurut Michael Rush and Philip Althoff yakni proses rekrutmen terbuka dan proses rekrutmen tertutup dan kriteria rekrutmen berdasarkan teori rational choice menurut Barbara Gaddes yakni partisanship, meritocratic, survival, dan compartementalization. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni kualitatif deskriptif. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang diperoleh melalui wawancara bersama informan penelitian dan observasi kepada DPW PKS Lampung terkait proses dan kriteria rekrutmen, serta data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui dokumentasi seperti daftar calon legislatif PKS, Undang-Undang Pemilihan Umum, Peraturan Komisi Pemilihan Umum, dan lain-lain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa DPW PKS Lampung menggunakan proses rekrutmen tertutup yakni calon anggota legislatif yang diusung oleh PKS seluruhnya merupakan anggota internal PKS, karena PKS tidak mengusung calon secara independent. Kriteria rekrutmen yang ditetapkan adalah kriteria partisanship karena seluruh calon tidak melewati tahap seleksi yang diutamakan hanya seberapa banyak dukungan suara yang mampu mereka kumpulkan, serta kriteria survival kepada calon yang direkomendasikan langsung oleh PKS sebagai calon legislatifnya melalui pemberian bantuan keuangan dalam memenuhi segala proses pencalonan. Kata Kunci: PKS, Proses Rekrutmen, Kriteria Rekrutmen PKS in Lampung Province is one of the political parties participating in the 2024 elections, however as a party of cadres PKS provides equal nomination opportunities for both old and new cadres who register when seeking nomination as legislative members of PKS without undergoing selection stages or in-depth introduction regarding the vision and mission of PKS. The focus of this research is to examine the process and criteria for recruiting prospective legislative members established by DPW PKS Lampung Province in anticipation of the 2024 elections. This research uses of the recruitment process theory according to Michael Rush and Philip Althoff, namely the open recruitment process and the closed recruitment process and and recruitment criteria based on rational choice theory according to Barbara Gaddes namely partisanship, meritocratic, survival and compartmentalization. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The data utilized consists of primary data obtained through interviews with research informants and observations of DPS PKS Lampung regarding the recruitment process and criteria, secondary data is also gathered through documentation such as the list of PKS legislative candidates, General Election Laws, Regulations from The General Election Commission, and others. The research findings indicate that the DPW PKS Lampung utilizes a closed recruitment process, whereby all legislative candidates nominate by PKS are exclusively internal members of PKS this is because PKS does not nominate independent candidates. The recruitment criteria established is partisanship criteria because all candidates do not go through a selection stage rather the emphasis is on how much voter support they are able to gather, as well as survival criteria for candidates recommended directly by PKS as its legislative candidates through financial assistance provided to fulfill all nomination processes. Keywords: PKS, Recruitment Process, Recruitment Criteria. } }