%A ANNISA FITRI %T REPRESENTASI BOYS LOVE DALAM FILM SERIAL GMMTV THAILAND ?THEORY OF LOVE? %X Penelitian ini mengkaji representasi boys love dalam serial televisi Thailand "Theory of Love" yang diproduksi oleh GMMTV, dengan fokus pada bagaimana hubungan romantis antara karakter pria digambarkan dalam konteks budaya Thailand. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memahami bagaimana boys love direpresentasikan dalam konteks budaya Thailand melalui media massa. Menggunakan metode analisis semiotika John Fiske dengan fokus pada tiga tingkatan: realitas, representasi, dan ideologi. Objek penelitian melibatkan tandatanda dalam serial "Theory of Love", khususnya representasi boys love. "Theory of Love" (2019) menggambarkan konsep boys love melalui analisis semiotika John Fiske. Tingkatan realitas mengungkapkan penerimaan terbuka terhadap hubungan sesama jenis, tingkatan representasi menyoroti pentingnya penampilan dan nilai-nilai emosional, sementara tingkatan ideologi menggambarkan peran budaya dalam membentuk pandangan positif terhadap hubungan sesama jenis. Film serial ini menyampaikan pesan tentang keberagaman, penerimaan, dan nilai-nilai cinta dalam konteks hubungan sesama jenis. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa serial "Theory of Love" secara positif memengaruhi persepsi masyarakat terhadap hubungan sesama jenis. Representasi semiotiknya menggali dimensi emosional dan budaya, menantang stereotip gender, dan mencakup eksplorasi lebih lanjut tentang representasi LGBTQ+ dalam media. Kata kunci : Boys Love, Film Serial, Hubungan Romantis, Semiotika John Fiske. This study explores the representation of boys love in the Thailand series "Theory of Love" produced by GMMTV, focusing on how romantic relationships between male characters are depicted within the cultural context of Thailand. The objective is to comprehend how boys love is portrayed within the cultural framework of Thailand through the medium of a television series. The research utilizes John Fiske's semiotic analysis method with a focus on three levels: reality, representation, and ideology. The research object encompasses signs within the "Theory of Love" series, particularly those related to boys love representation. The "Theory of Love" series (2019) depicts the concept of boys love through John Fiske's semiotic analysis. The reality level reveals an open acceptance of same-sex relationships, the representation level highlights the importance of appearance and emotional values, while the ideology level illustrates the cultural role in shaping positive views of same-sex relationships. The series conveys messages about diversity, acceptance, and the values of love within the context of same-sex relationships. The conclusion of this study indicates that the "Theory of Love" series positively influences societal perceptions of same-sex relationships. Its semiotic representation explores emotional and cultural dimensions, challenges gender stereotypes, and promotes inclusive values. Theoretical suggestions include further exploration of LGBTQ+ representations in media. Keywords : Boys Love, Film Series, Romantic Relationship, Semiotic John Fiske %D 2023 %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %R 1716031050 %I FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK %L eprints79922