@misc{eprints80830, month = {Nopember}, title = {TINGKAT KEMAMPUAN BIOMOTOR ANGGOTA UKM BOLA VOLI UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG }, author = {RAMADHANI CINDY NOVIRA}, address = {LAMPUNG}, publisher = {KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN}, year = {2024}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/80830/}, abstract = {Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil kemampuan biomotor anggota UKM bola voli Universitas Lampung. Kemampuan biomotor dalam penelitian ini dibatasi pada kekuatan otot lengan, kelentukan, kelincahan, keseimbangan, koordinasi mata tangan, power tungkai, dan daya tahan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei. Sampel dalam penelitian berjumlah 30 mahasiswa dari 132 mahasiswa yang terdaftar, diambil menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan kriteria yaitu mahasiswa aktif mengikuti UKM bola voli minimal dua kali dalam seminggu dan memiliki usia latihan minimal enam bulan. nstrumen untuk mengukur kekuatan otot lengan menggunakan tes push up, kelentukan diukur menggunakan sit and reach test, kelincahan diukur menggunakan t test run, keseimbangan diukur menggunakan modifikasi bass test, koordinasi mata-tangan diukur menggunakan tes lempar tangkap bola tenis, power otot tungkai diukur menggunakan tes vertical jump, dan daya tahan diukur menggunakan tes balke. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif yang disajikan dalam bentuk persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profil kemampuan biomotor anggota UKM bola voli Universitas Lampung berada pada kategori ?kurang sekali? sebesar 6,7\% (2 atlet), ?kurang? sebesar 23,3\% (7 atlet), ?sedang? sebesar 43,3\% (13 atlet),?baik? sebesar 23,3\% (7 atlet), dan ?baik sekali? sebesar 3,3\% (1 atlet). Sehingga disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar kemampuan biomotor anggota UKM Bola Voli Universitas Lampung dalam kategori ?sedang?. Kata Kunci: biomotor, bola voli. This research aims to determine the biomotor ability profile of members of the Lampung University volleyball team at UKM. Biomotor abilities in this study were limited to arm muscle strength, flexibility, agility, balance, hand-eye coordination, leg power, and endurance. This research is descriptive research. The method used is a survey. The sample in the study was 30 students out of 132 registered students, taken using a purposive sampling technique with the criteria that students actively participate in volleyball UKM at least twice a week and have a minimum training age of six months. instruments to measure arm muscle strength using the push-up test, flexibility was measured using the sit-and-reach test, agility was measured using the t-run test, balance was measured using the modified bass test, eye-hand coordination was measured using the tennis ball throw-and-catch test, leg muscle power was measured using the vertical jump test, and endurance was measured using the balke test. The data analysis technique uses quantitative descriptive analysis presented in percentage form. The results of the research show that the biomotor ability profile of members of the Lampung University volleyball UKM is in the "very poor" category at 6.7\% (2 athletes), "poor" at 23.3\% (7 athletes), "medium" at 43.3\% (13 athletes), ?good? at 23.3\% (7 athletes), and ?very good? at 3.3\% (1 athlete). So it was concluded that most of the biomotor abilities of members of the Lampung University Volleyball UKM were in the "medium" category. Keywords: biomotor, volleyball. } }