<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "MODEL PEMANTAUAN DAN PENINJAUAN UNDANG-UNDANG\r\nDALAM PENATAAN PRODUK LEGISLASI DI INDONESIA"^^ . "Perubahan Undang-undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2019 dan Nomor 13 Tahun 2022\r\ntentang Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-undangan menjadi langkah baru dalam\r\nmewujudkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang baik melalui konsep pemantauan\r\ndan peninjauan. Namun, implementasi pemantauan dan peninjauan undang-undang\r\ndihadapi sejumlah tantangan, termasuk ketidakseragaman model yang digunakan\r\ndalam pelaksanaan pemantauan dan peninjauan di dalam peraturan turunan yang\r\nmengaturnya.\r\nMetode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan yuridis normatif dengan\r\nanalisis substansi hukum dan perbandingan hukum. Selain itu, penelitian ini\r\nmelakukan inventarisasi praktik pemantauan dan peninjauan undang-undang di\r\nberbagai negara, dan membandingkan metode pemantauan dan peninjauan seperti\r\nROCCIPI, Regulatory Mapping and Review, Regulatory Impact Analysis, dan MAPP.\r\nHasil penelitian menemukan pemantauan dan peninjauan UU di Indonesia bukan\r\nmerupakan siklus legislasi (tahapan pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan).\r\nDalam Pasal 95A ayat (4) UU Pembentukan PUU tidak terdapat kewajiban bagi\r\npelaksana pemantau dan peninjau untuk melakukan pemantauan dan peninjauan\r\nsetelah dibentuknya sebuah UU karena adanya frasa “dapat” pada pasal a quo.\r\nPelaksanaan pemantauan dan peninjauan dilakukan oleh DPR melalui Badan\r\nLegislasi, DPD melalui Panitia Perancang Undang-Undang, dan Pemerintah melalui\r\nKementerian Hukum dan HAM. Ketiganya tidak memiliki keseragaman model dalam\r\nmelaksanakan pemantauan dan peninjauan undang-undang.\r\nBerbagai model pemantauan dan peninjauan undang-undang seperti ROCCIPI,\r\nRegulatory Mapping and Review, Regulatory Impact Analysis, dan MAPP sangat\r\npenting untuk mengevaluasi efektifitas dan efesiensi regulasi. Masing-masing Metode\r\ntersebut tentu saja memiliki ciri, kekuatan dan kelemahan masing-masing sesuai\r\ndengan konteks dan kebutuhannya. Model baru yangdikenalkan adalah Hybrid\r\nMonitoring and Review Framework (HMRF), yang menggabungkan elemen-elemen\r\ndari metode RIA, RegMap, ROCCIPI, dan MAPP. Pelaksana HMRF itu sendiri\r\nadalah lembaga independen yang bertanggung jawab penuh untuk melakukan\r\npemantauan dan peninjauan undang-undang.\r\nKata Kunci: pemantauan dan peninjauan, evaluasi, undang-undang, regulasi,\r\nlegislasi\r\nThe emergence of Law No. 15 of 2019 and Law No. 13 of 2022 were meant to\r\nembodied the actualization of well-formed legislation by monitoring and scrutiny\r\nmodel. However, its implementation faces various challenges, which including\r\nnon-uniformity in its operation by subordinate legislation.\r\nOn conducting this research, it employ the normative-juridical method which are\r\nequipped with comparative and legal material-substance analysis approach.\r\n\r\nFurthermore on conducting those analysis approach, it will be done by best-\r\npractices shopping forums on monitoring and scrutiny that are experienced by\r\n\r\nseveral countries. The comparison of those countries will be conducted by\r\nemploying ROCCIPI theory, Regulatory Mapping and Review model, Regulatory\r\nImpact Analysis model, and MAPP.\r\nBased on the implementation of this research, it resulted on the discovery that the\r\n\r\nimplementation of monitoring and scrutiny in Indonesia are not legislation-\r\nformation cycle. Referring to the stipulation of Article 95A (4) of Law on\r\n\r\nFormation of the Legislation, it doesn't constitute the monitoring and scrutiny\r\nexecutant on performing their duties for implementing the monitoring and\r\nscrutiny of the Law after its promulgation. The non-obligatory of that duty is\r\nderived from the existent of the \"may\" phrase within a quo Article. Then, the\r\nmonitoring and scrutiny implementation is conducted by the House of the People's\r\nRepresentative by its Legislation Committee, the House of Regional\r\nRepresentative by its Legislation Formator Committee, and the Government by its\r\nMinistry of Law and Human Rights. However those institutions still don't have\r\nunanimous and uniform model for implementing the legislation monitoring and\r\nscrutiny.\r\nVarious model for monitoring and scrutiny of legislation such as ROCCIPI\r\ntheory, Regulatory Mapping and Review, Regulatory Impact Assessment, and\r\nMAPP have their own characteristics, advantage, and disadvantage. After\r\ncomparing those model and their advantage and disadvantage, it resulted in the\r\nemergence of a new concept that called as Hybrid Monitoring and Review\r\nFramework (HMRF). Where the executant of the HMRF model is an independent\r\ninstitution which is employ with sole purpose for monitoring and scrutiny of\r\nlegislations.\r\nKeywords: monitoring and scrutiny, evaluation, law, regulation, legislation."^^ . "2024-08-08" . . . . . "UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG"^^ . . . "FAKULTAS HUKUM, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG"^^ . . . . . . . . . " Septiana"^^ . "Rika"^^ . " Septiana Rika"^^ . . . . . . "MODEL PEMANTAUAN DAN PENINJAUAN UNDANG-UNDANG\r\nDALAM PENATAAN PRODUK LEGISLASI DI INDONESIA (File PDF)"^^ . . . "open[1]"^^ . . . "MODEL PEMANTAUAN DAN PENINJAUAN UNDANG-UNDANG\r\nDALAM PENATAAN PRODUK LEGISLASI DI INDONESIA (File PDF)"^^ . . . "MODEL PEMANTAUAN DAN PENINJAUAN UNDANG-UNDANG\r\nDALAM PENATAAN PRODUK LEGISLASI DI INDONESIA (File PDF)"^^ . . . "open[1]"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #81454 \n\nMODEL PEMANTAUAN DAN PENINJAUAN UNDANG-UNDANG \nDALAM PENATAAN PRODUK LEGISLASI DI INDONESIA\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "340 Ilmu hukum" . .