<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . "THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VIDEO GAME EXPOSURE AND\r\nVOCABULARY COMPREHENSION AMONG SECOND GRADE\r\nSTUDENTS AT SMAN 14 BANDAR LAMPUNG\r\n"^^ . "The aim of this research is to asscss the development ofstudents' English\r\nlanguage skills, particularly in vocabulary comprehension, through video game\r\n@xposure. The study was conducted at SMAN 14 Bandar Lampung. involving 36\r\nstudents from class XI-1I. Data was collected using a yuestionnaire and a\r\nvocabulary size tcst. A guantitative approach, utilizing the correlation method,\r\nwas employed to analyze the collected data.\r\nThe resultso f the guestionnaire revealed that 18students hadthe highestlevel o f\r\nVideo game exposure. 12 studenis had a medium level, and 6 students had the\r\nlowesi level of exposure. The vocabulary size test showed that 17 students scored\r\nthe highest in comprehension. 1S students had good scores, 3 students scored\r\nsatisfactorily, andi 1 student soored low. The analysis and statistical calculations\r\nimdicated a correlation coefficieni (rxy) o f 0.421, demonstrating a positive of\r\nrelationship betwcen vxdco gamc cxposuc and students\" vocabulary\r\ncomprehension skills. This positive relationship of this two variables suggests that\r\nhigher video game exposure is associated with better vocabulary comprehension\r\namongthe secondgradestudentsat SMAN1 4 Bandar Lampung.\r\nla conclusion, vocabulary comprehension plays a vital role in language\r\nproficiency, and language teachers must priontize vocabulary leaming in their\r\ninstructional practices. By embracing innovaive approaches, such\r\nincorporating video games, educators can effectively support students in\r\n@xpanding their vocabulary Knowledge to meetthe demanda of English language\r\nleaming.\r\nKeywords: Correlation analysis, English language skills. Educational research,\r\nExposure levels, Vocabulary comprehension, Video games, Vocabulary size test,\r\n@uantitative approach."^^ . "2024-06-11" . . . . . "FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN "^^ . . . . . . . "Ihsan Aditya "^^ . "Mubamad "^^ . "Ihsan Aditya Mubamad "^^ . . . . . . "THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VIDEO GAME EXPOSURE AND\r\nVOCABULARY COMPREHENSION AMONG SECOND GRADE\r\nSTUDENTS AT SMAN 14 BANDAR LAMPUNG\r\n (File PDF)"^^ . . . "open[1]"^^ . . . "THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VIDEO GAME EXPOSURE AND\r\nVOCABULARY COMPREHENSION AMONG SECOND GRADE\r\nSTUDENTS AT SMAN 14 BANDAR LAMPUNG\r\n (File PDF)"^^ . . . "THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VIDEO GAME EXPOSURE AND\r\nVOCABULARY COMPREHENSION AMONG SECOND GRADE\r\nSTUDENTS AT SMAN 14 BANDAR LAMPUNG\r\n (File PDF)"^^ . . . "open[1]"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #81541 \n\nTHE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VIDEO GAME EXPOSURE AND \nVOCABULARY COMPREHENSION AMONG SECOND GRADE \nSTUDENTS AT SMAN 14 BANDAR LAMPUNG \n\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "370 Pendidikan" . . . "400 Bahasa" . .