creators_name: ARIE , MAHYUDDIN creators_id: 2024151002 type: thesis datestamp: 2025-01-25 14:14:03 lastmod: 2025-01-25 14:14:03 metadata_visibility: show title: PENGARUH FAKTOR SOSIAL DEMOGRAFI, AKSESIBILITAS WILAYAH DAN PROGRAM KERJA KESATUAN PENGELOLAAN HUTAN LINDUNG (KPHL), TERHADAP KETERTARIKAN MASYARAKAT PADA BISNIS MINYAK ATSIRI DI KPHL PESAWARAN ispublished: pub subjects: 630 full_text_status: restricted abstract: Minyak atsiri merupakan komoditas ekspor penting bagi Indonesia, dengan peringkat keenam sebagai eksportir terbesar pada tahun 2021. Kesatuan pengelolaan hutan lindung (KPHL) Pesawaran berpotensi mengembangkan bisnis minyak atsiri melalui kelompok tani hutan. Penelitian ini mengevaluasi pengaruh variabel sosial demografi, aksesibilitas wilayah, dan program kerja KPHL terhadap minat masyarakat dalam bisnis minyak atsiri di KPHL Pesawaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik sampling rumpun dengan responden yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan ketertarikan: sangat tertarik, tertarik, dan tidak tertarik. Analisis dilakukan menggunakan model regresi logistik ordinal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aspek aksesibilitas, seperti jarak rumah ke kebun dan desa serta ketersediaan pasar, memiliki pengaruh nyata dalam membentuk minat masyarakat. Faktor-faktor program kerja KPHL seperti pemanfaatan hasil hutan, sosialisasi, bantuan alat produksi, dan penanaman juga berpengaruh nyata. Semakin dekat jarak rumah ke kebun dan desa, serta semakin baik ketersediaan pasar, semakin tinggi minat masyarakat. Faktor sosial demografi seperti umur, jenis kelamin, status pernikahan, dan pendapatan total tidak menunjukkan pengaruh nyata. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan peningkatan peran kelompok tani dalam seluruh rantai produksi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, kualitas produk, dan posisi tawar di pasar minyak atsiri, mendukung ekonomi lokal yang berkelanjutan. Kata kunci: Minyak atsiri, sosial demografi, aksesibilitas wilayah, program kerja KPHL, minat masyarakat. ABTRACT THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS, REGIONAL ACCESSIBILITY, AND THE WORK PROGRAMS OF THE FOREST MANAGEMENT UNIT (KPHL) ON COMMUNITY INTEREST IN THE ESSENTIAL OIL BUSINESS IN THE PESAWARAN KPHL By ARIE MAHYUDDIN Essential oils are an important export commodity for Indonesia, ranking sixth as the largest exporter in 2021. The Pesawaran Forest Management Unit (KPHL) has the potential to develop the essential oil business through forest farmer groups. This study evaluates the influence of social demographic variables, regional accessibility, and KPHL work programs on community interest in the essential oil business at KPHL Pesawaran. This research employs a cluster sampling technique with respondents categorized based on their level of interest: very interested, interested, and not interested. The analysis was conducted using an ordinal logistic regression model. The results show that accessibility factors, such as the distance from home to farm and village, as well as market availability, significantly influence community interest. KPHL work program factors, including the utilization of forest products, socialization, production tools assistance, and planting assistance, also have a significant impact. The closer the distance from home to farm and village, and the better the market availability, the higher the community interest. Social demographic factors such as age, gender, marital status, and total income do not show significant influence. This study recommends increasing the role of farmer groups in the entire production chain to improve production efficiency, product quality, and bargaining power in the essential oil market, thereby supporting sustainable local economic development. Keywords: Essential oils, social demographics, regional accessibility, KPHL work programs, community interest. date: 2024-04-16 date_type: published institution: UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG department: FAKULTAS PERTANIAN thesis_type: masters citation: ARIE , MAHYUDDIN (2024) PENGARUH FAKTOR SOSIAL DEMOGRAFI, AKSESIBILITAS WILAYAH DAN PROGRAM KERJA KESATUAN PENGELOLAAN HUTAN LINDUNG (KPHL), TERHADAP KETERTARIKAN MASYARAKAT PADA BISNIS MINYAK ATSIRI DI KPHL PESAWARAN. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. document_url: document_url: document_url: